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Everything posted by SpencerJ

  1. Hallo, Thanks to @Squid, we now have an easy way to track and see any missing Dutch translations by comparing the Dutch github repo with the English Github repo. To see missing words/phrases, please see here: https://squidly271.github.io/languageErrors.html#nl_NL If you would like to make contributions to the Dutch Github Repo, please do so there and be sure to follow the instructions outlined in the README.md file. All PR's will be reviewed by myself and @bonienl prior to any merges. Dank Je, Spencer
  2. Bonjour, Thanks to @Squid, we now have an easy way to track and see any missing French translations by comparing the French github repo with the English Github repo. To see missing words/phrases, please see here: https://squidly271.github.io/languageErrors.html#fr_FR If you would like to make contributions to the French Github Repo, please do so there and be sure to follow the instructions outlined in the README.md file. All PR's will be reviewed by myself and the French Forum moderators prior to any merges. Merci beaucoup, Spencer
  3. Hola a todos, Thanks to @Squid, we now have an easy way to track and see any missing Spanish translations by comparing the Spanish github repo with the English Github repo. To see missing words/phrases, please see here: https://squidly271.github.io/languageErrors.html#es_ES If you would like to make contributions to the Spanish Github Repo, please do so there and be sure to follow the instructions outlined in the README.md file. All PR's will be reviewed by myself and the Spanish Forum moderators prior to any merges. Muchas gracias, Spencer
  4. Halo, Thanks to @Squid, we now have an easy way to track and see any missing German translations by comparing the German github repo with the English Github repo. To see missing words/phrases, please see here: https://squidly271.github.io/languageErrors.html#de_DE If you would like to make contributions to the German Github Repo, please do so there and be sure to follow the instructions outlined in the README.md file. All PR's will be reviewed by myself and @ich777 prior to any merges. Vielen Dank!
  5. Bonjour, (Sorry, I don't personally speak French) --If you would like, you can branch off of the French repo and suggest changes via Pull Requests. I can have @Balooforever, @Will9560 and/or @Pducharme review and see if they agree/disagree. Thank you for the offer. I will be posting this officially soon, but here is also a link that shows current new words/lines of the webgui that do not currently have translations for French. This is due to changes in the English master file. If you would like to help with any of those as well, it would be much appreciated! If you want to do this, please let me know your handle in Github! Merci!
  6. Bueno. Pues, cuando nos mudemos a estable, espero que disfruten la opción en español y este lugar para discusiones sobre Unraid. 🙂
  7. Hola @Kuton y bienvenido a la comunidad. Gracias por la ayuda! Comprobaré con la versión actual del archivo. ¿Has probado 6.9 beta con español?
  8. I'd also like to introduce you to @Cykor- who was also doing work on the polish translation work here: https://github.com/unraid/lang_pl_PL Please let me know if you have any other questions!
  9. If you have questions or comments about the Multi Language Support Explainer, let us know here. What other language(s) do you want to use Unraid in?
  10. A note about all translations: Translations are believed to be accurate to the best of our knowledge but the English text is always the go to reference point. Translations are maintained in public Github repositories. If you would like to inform us of errors and/or participate in translation corrections, please write a post in the respective language forum sections and tag @SpencerJ. If you would like to see a new language added, please write a post in this thread.
  11. FYI- If you have been given a sneak peek of these betas beforehand for multi-language support testing, you will need to uninstall/reinstall the language packs for them to work properly as we have moved the language repo XML files.
  12. SpencerJ

    Unraid + NUC

    @Carlos Rodriguez- iirc you were running Unraid on a NUC Skull Canyon? Does that run with an HBA card? @Pducharme was asking about this for a test server. Carlos --> Patrick, Patrick --> Carlos. Please to introduce you both
  13. @johnnie.black- @Odom can help with some translations. 🙂
  14. Hello everyone! @muppie is going to be translating the Unraid webgui into Swedish. If you would like to help out, please reach out here! Cheers, Spencer https://github.com/unraid/lang-sv_SV
  15. Hello everyone, I wanted to sincerely thank everyone for contributing to the German translation work. If you are interested in an Unraid server case badge, please DM me your mailing address and I will mail them out to you. 🙂
  16. @muppie- I will send you a DM shortly with details. Thanks!
  17. Muchas gracias por sus sugerencias @chalboly! Iré a ver si hay otras instancias de "CPU thread pairings" en archivos diferentes para poder compararlos. -Spencer
  18. Hola amigos, Hay algunas traducciones de la webgui que se agregaron en el último minuto. Si pudieras echar un vistazo a lo que tengo, sería muy apreciado. Se bueno por favor. Mi español no es muy bueno 🙂 ; users.txt ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Click to select PNG file=Haga clic para seleccionar el archivo PNG ;helptext.txt ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :display_custom_banner_help: Image will be scaled to 1920x90 pixels. The maximum image file upload size is 512 kB (524,288 bytes). :end en español= :display_custom_banner_help: La imagen se escalará a 1920x90 píxeles. El tamaño máximo de carga del archivo de imagen es 512 kB (524,288 bytes). :end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :display_temperature_unit_help: Selects the temperature unit for the disk temperature thresholds. Changing the unit will adjust the existing value in the disk temperature thresholds as appropriate. Make sure any newly entered values represent the selected temperature unit. :end en español= :display_temperature_unit_help: Seleccione la unidad de temperatura para los umbrales de temperatura del disco. Cambiar la unidad ajustará el valor existente en los umbrales de temperatura del disco según corresponda. Asegúrese de que los valores recién ingresados representen la unidad de temperatura seleccionada. :end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :eth_network_rules_help: The interface assignment rules can be changed here and might be necessary to set the preferred interface for managing Unraid - *use with care, usually there is no need to change*. **eth0** is the main interface used to manage the Unraid system. The other interfaces are optional and may be used as desired. Every interface must be uniquely identified by its MAC (hardware) address. The interface assignment is stored on the flash device under */config/network-rules.cfg*. This file can be viewed with any editor, but it is recommended to make changes via the webGUI only.<br> Deleting the file *network-rules.cfg* from the flash device will restore automatic interface assignment after a system reboot. :end en español= :eth_network_rules_help: Las reglas de asignación de interfaz se pueden cambiar aquí y pueden ser necesarias para establecer la interfaz preferida para administrar Unraid - * use con cuidado, generalmente no hay necesidad de cambiar *. ** eth0 ** es la interfaz principal utilizada para administrar el sistema Unraid. Las otras interfaces son opcionales y se pueden usar como se desee. Cada interfaz debe identificarse de manera única por su dirección MAC (hardware). La asignación de la interfaz se almacena en el dispositivo flash en * / config / network-rules.cfg *. Este archivo se puede ver con cualquier editor, pero se recomienda hacer cambios solo a través de webGUI. Al eliminar el archivo * network-rules.cfg * del dispositivo flash, se restaurará la asignación automática de la interfaz después de reiniciar el sistema. :end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :eth_routing_table_help: Enter a valid IPv4 route in the format *nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn/xx*, e.g. **<br> or enter a valid IPv6 route in the format *nnnn:nnnn:nnnn::nnnn/xxx*, e.g. *fe80::3ad8:2fff:fe25:9709/64* Select the gateway from the dropdown list or enter a valid IPv4/IPv6 address as gateway value. The metric value is optional, it defaults to 1. Use it to select the prefered gateway when more than one entry of the same route exist. :end en español= :eth_routing_table_help: Ingrese una ruta IPv4 válida en el formato * nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn / xx *, p. * / 24 * <br> o ingrese una ruta IPv6 válida en el formato * nnnn: nnnn: nnnn :: nnnn / xxx *, p. * fe80 :: 3ad8: 2fff: fe25: 9709/64 * Seleccione la puerta de enlace de la lista desplegable o ingrese una dirección IPv4 / IPv6 válida como valor de la puerta de enlace. El valor de la métrica es opcional, su valor predeterminado es 1. Úselo para seleccionar la puerta de enlace preferida cuando exista más de una entrada de la misma ruta. :end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :sysdevs_iommu_groups_help: This displays a list of IOMMU groups available on your system along with the output of the `lspci` command for each IOMMU group. The numeric identifiers are used to configure PCI pass-through. Devices you select will be bound to the vfio-pci driver at boot, which makes them available for assignment to a virtual machine, and also prevents the Linux kernel from automatically binding them to any present host driver. **Note that selecting a device will bind not only the specified device(s), but *all* other devices in the same IOMMU group as well.** &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-circle orb green-orb middle"></i>&nbsp;This symbol indicates the device is currently bound to the vfio-pci driver. &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-retweet grey-orb middle"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This symbol indicates the device supports FLR (Function Level Reset). <input type="checkbox" value="" disabled>&nbsp;&nbsp;If a checkbox is greyed out it means the device is in use by Unraid and can not be passed through. :end en español= :sysdevs_iommu_groups_help: Esto muestra una lista de grupos de IOMMU disponibles en su sistema junto con la salida del comando `lspci` para cada grupo de IOMMU. Los identificadores numéricos se utilizan para configurar el paso de PCI. Los dispositivos que seleccione estarán vinculados al controlador vfio-pci en el arranque, lo que los hará disponibles para su asignación a una máquina virtual y también evitará que el kernel de Linux los asocie automáticamente a cualquier controlador de host presente. ** Nota: al seleccionar un dispositivo, se vincularán no solo los dispositivos especificados, sino también * todos los demás dispositivos en el mismo grupo de IOMMU. ** &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-circle orb green-orb middle"></i>&nbsp;Este símbolo indica que el dispositivo está vinculado actualmente al controlador vfio-pci. &nbsp;<i class="fa fa-retweet grey-orb middle"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Este símbolo indica que el dispositivo admite FLR (restablecimiento del nivel de función). <input type="checkbox" value="" disabled>&nbsp;&nbsp;Si una casilla de verificación está atenuada, significa que el dispositivo está en uso por Unraid y no se puede pasar. :end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :sysdevs_thread_pairings_help: This displays a list of CPU thread pairings. :end en español= :sysdevs_thread_pairings_help: Esto muestra una lista de pares de hilos de CPU. :end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This displays the output of the `lsusb` command. The numeric identifiers are used to configure PCI pass-through. en español= :sysdevs_usb_devices_help: Esto muestra la salida del comando `lsusb`. Los identificadores numéricos se utilizan para configurar el pass-through de PCI. :end ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :sysdevs_scsi_devices_help: This displays the output of the `lsscsi` command. The numeric identifiers are used to configure PCI pass-through. Note that linux groups ATA, SATA and SAS devices with true SCSI devices. :end en español= Esto muestra la salida del comando `lsscsi`. Los identificadores numéricos se utilizan para configurar el paso de PCI. Nota: linux agrupa dispositivos ATA, SATA y SAS con dispositivos SCSI verdaderos. Gracias, Spencer
  19. Cześć! @Cykor is doing some Polish translation work for the Unraid webgui. If you are interested in helping, please reach out in this thread for more details! https://github.com/unraid/lang_pl_PL dziękuję
  20. Hello all, Sorry for the English in the German section(😜) : If you worked on the German translation files, please let me know which file(s) you worked on here and what name you would like listed in the translation credits. Thank you all! See here for how it will look:
  21. Hi Stefan, I will reach out via DM.
  22. (Sorry for the English in here) -- Last time I looked, the mighty Netherlands was ranked #6 in popularity for Unraid. 🙂
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