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Everything posted by SpencerJ

  1. SpencerJ


    Mit Hilfe von @ich777 und @zspearmint freue ich mich, unraid.net auf Deutsch zu enthüllen. 😀
  2. Con la ayuda de @chalboly y @zspearmint, feliz de presentar unraid.net en español.
  3. Avec l'aide de @Pducharme et @zspearmint, heureux de vous présenter unraid.net en français. 😀
  4. If you haven't already, could you please email us at [email protected] and we will get this fixed ASAP. Thank you @ChatNoir
  5. Hello, Could you please email us at [email protected] and we'll get this sorted right away. Please include your receipt. Thank you
  6. All of us at Lime Technology are very excited to announce Larry Meaney as a new full-time hire. Larry has joined us as a Senior Developer/Project Lead. Here's a little more about Larry: Please help us give Larry aka @ljm42 a warm welcome!
  7. Pour votre information: voici quelques tutoriels vidéo Unraid 🙂
  8. Je tiens à remercier @superboki pour tous ces tutoriels Unraid. Veuillez suivre!
  9. Hello @Niellles! Please feel free to do PRs little by little. Thank you 🙏🏼
  10. I will find it and make the change. Merci @caplam
  11. If you wish to take part translations for the Japanese language Unraid repo, please see here: https://github.com/unraid/lang-ja_JA @spark1313 will be working on it; all are welcome!
  12. Well deserved! Thank you for all of your contributions to the Unraid community.
  13. Email [email protected] if you still haven't received it.
  14. This blog is a guide on how to securely back up one Unraid server to another geographically separated Unraid server using rsync and Wireguard by @spx404. If you have questions, comments or just want to say hey, post them here! https://unraid.net/blog/unraid-server-to-server-backups-with-rsync-and-wireguard
  15. Thanks! Will test/add bug internally and get back to you.
  16. Interesting. Could you post it here and tag @bonienl? https://forums.unraid.net/forum/84-bug-reports/ We will take a look and see what's going on.
  17. Gracias. "Libera tu maquina" es interesante. Lo que suene más natural...
  18. Hola, ¿Cuál crees que sería una buena traducción para Unraid "Unleash Your Hardware"? "Libera tu hardware"? Para fines de marketing. Gracias!
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