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Everything posted by SpencerJ

  1. The latest Unraid blog highlights all of the new major changes in Community Applications 2020.12.14 including: New Categories and Filters Autocomplete Improvements Repositories Category/Filter Community Applications now viewable on Unraid.net As always, a big thanks to @Squid for this amazing Unraid Community Resource! https://unraid.net/blog/community-applications-update
  2. I just re-sent. It looks like there was a missing letter in your original email address Please confirm receipt and feel free to move this discussion there.
  3. Hey @rockytt, Please check your email. Apologies, I had answered 2 days back but it appears the reply bounced. I have re-sent it. Thank you, Spencer
  4. @HelloKS is interested in translating the Unraid webgui into Korean! 😺 If interested in helping out or collaborating with this, please comment here in the forums! Here is a link to the Korean repo: https://github.com/unraid/lang-ko_KO 정말 고마워요
  5. Very nice! You can check here for sections still needed to be done: https://squidly271.github.io/languageErrors.html#sv_SE Here is where the repo lives: https://github.com/unraid/lang-sv_SV There is a readme.md there that explains the process. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out!
  6. https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1P5411b7ca 13 minute mark explains it. I will look to get this blog translated into Chinese as well.
  7. Hello @HelloKS, thanks for reaching out. I will DM you with more info. -Spencer
  8. Thank you @mgutt. I will set up a collaborative page to integrate these with you and @ich777. Due to the 6.9-rc1, this will likely have to wait until early next week but thank you very much for the suggestions. -Spencer
  9. Thanks for your detailed feedback @sota. Just to be clear, no current users will be affected by any future subscription offerings. We are also committed to any future subscription offerings being tied only to added premium features not already included with the OS. We fully understand the hesitancy and resistance to some subscription models and will be sure to make it worth while and a big value add for those users interested in the added features. Thank you again!
  10. Grâce à @superboki pour toutes les vidéos et le soutien. Bonne chance!
  11. Good news! Thank you for reaching out and for choosing Unraid.
  12. Hello, Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please email [email protected]? Thank you in advance, Spencer
  13. Hello @doesntaffect, Welcome. This is a great place to find support. Likewise, you can email us. Other options include support via Spaceinvader One or Paid support here.
  14. Fixed! If you go to CA --> Language --> French lang pack there is now an update with this translation fixed. Thanks for pointing this out.
  15. Je suis content que cela ait fonctionné. Bienvenue dans la communauté 👍
  16. Merci @R0Bzombie. I have updated line 54 here: https://github.com/unraid/lang-fr_FR/blob/master/shares.txt The CA Appfeed should pick up the change of this PR within an hour or so and it should be correct if you download and install the updated French language pack.
  17. ah, pourriez-vous essayer l'Amérique du Nord? Merci
  18. Salut @latlantis, Je vois d'autres paiements arriver. Avez-vous des bloqueurs de publicités / fenêtres publicitaires? Pas de soucis. Je vais comprendre cela pour vous bien avant le 5 décembre. Pouvez-vous m'envoyer un e-mail avec des captures d'écran de l'erreur? Merci
  19. As others have mentioned, we are actually growing as a company. When I started out early last year, I was the 4th FTE. We are now almost double that and I can assure you we are all working very hard to get this Stable release out. We also have some exciting things in store so please stay tuned! This has been a tough year for a variety of reasons. Even in the best of times, it's not easy growing as an all remote company but rest assured, we aren't going anywhere and have big plans for the future!
  20. You should be able to extend still. Please let me know if this is not the case.
  21. The extension is a manual process that you must initiate. If interested, once your original trial shows "expired" in the upper left of the header, Stop the Array. Next, go to the Registration page, and now a button shows up where you can get a 15 day extension. You can do this a total of two times before you must decide if you would like to purchase Unraid or not. Cheers, Spencer
  22. Hi, I don't see anything pending in Paypal from the email you are using here for the forum. If it would be a different email, please feel free to email me directly: [email protected]. Cheers, Spencer
  23. Hello, Did you receive a purchase receipt? If so, please attach and email us at [email protected] and we will get you all settled.
  24. Are you all squared away? If not, please feel free to email me directly @ spencerj at Unraid dot net. Cheers
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