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Everything posted by drfsol

  1. I got it working, in short, all environment variable are in the Unraid docker template, Set the Enable Email Login, Enable Email Registration, Enable Social Login and Enable Social Registration to your need. More info here: https://docs.librechat.ai/install/configuration/user_auth_system.html I enabled the email and social login, but I disabled the registration. Then open the LibreChat docker console and run this command: `npm run create-user` I will do more testing and see if Librechat store the configuration in the docker volume or if it rely on the MongoDB for that, if the config is in the volume then it will make sense to add a shared folder from unraid to Librechat so the config persist if the volume is deleted. (not sure yet how that work) You don't need to add it to the `.env`, I didn't try but if you want to do it that way instead of using the docker environment variable, you will need to create a path config in the Unraid docker template of LibreChat. Create the librechat folder in your Docker/appdata, then add a empty .env file. Config Type: path Name: env file Container Path: /app/.env Host Path: /mnt/user/Docker/appdata/librechat/.env
  2. Yes the one that came with the AX1200i, I use a adapter so it is connected to a external USB port.
  3. I made a new fork, feel free to reuse my change https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cristiandeschamps/corsairpsu-unraid/fix-cpsumoncli-path/corsairpsu.plg I fixed various issue and added more information. with the AX1200i and maybe other model, the rails are not available. cpsumoncli return "set_page (12v): set failed: 0, 9", I have tried to fix cpsumoncli but I'm not really experienced in c++ but I will definitively give it a shot when I have some time.
  4. looking at the code, there is something strange, the path seem wrong for me (and from others in previous post) I didn't do any customization.. $stdout = shell_exec('/usr/local/bin/cpsumon/cpsumoncli ' . $settings["TTY"] . ' 2>&1'); https://github.com/CyanLabs/corsairpsu-unraid/blob/master/src/corsairpsu/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/corsairpsu/status.php#L11C35-L11C38 The path correct path should be: /usr/local/bin/cpsumoncli I just forked the code plugins and I will give it a try.
  5. Hi @giganode I have a AX1200i and like the others it doesn't show any data, but I can confirm the `cpsumoncli /dev/ttyUSB0` return the PSU I also needed to run the `chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cpsumoncli` I also made sure I loaded your plugins. But if I try with the old version (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cyanlabs/corsairpsu-unraid/master/corsairpsu.plg) And config it (same config as yours) then it works, the only issue is the panel is not compatible with the new dashboard and break the UI. When using your version (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/giganode/corsairpsu-unraid/master/corsairpsu.plg) I see this error in the browser console Maybe that can help you figuring out what is going on for the AXi? Thanks! Old Output New Config
  6. Actually the https://dash.mauz.io/ is redirecting you to scammer landing page that impersonate Microsoft anti virus..
  7. Yes, replace all occurence of /dev/md to /dev/mapper/md
  8. Unraid crashed when I installed the plugins, forced reboot and the plugins do not shown as installed... be careful!