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Posts posted by juan11perez

  1. On 2/1/2020 at 2:14 AM, PTRFRLL said:

    I run this ZM docker using an external mariadb database and encountered a few issues when upgrading to 1.34.


    The first issue was:

    Upgrading DB to 1.33.7 from 1.32.3
    ERROR 1419 (HY000) at line 3: You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)

    this was fixed by changing a setting in the mariadb mysql instance:

    mysql -u root -p
    set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=1;

    The second issue was:

    Upgrading DB to 1.33.7 from 1.32.3
    ERROR 1728 (HY000) at line 117: Cannot load from mysql.proc. The table is probably corrupted

    This was fixed by running the mysql_upgrade on the mariadb instance:

    mysql_upgrade -u root -p


    After that, the upgrade went smoothly. Hoping this helps anyone who might be in the same boat



    would appreciate it if you could explain how to set up this docker with an external dB.

    ive tried following the guide in note 1 of this thread but I get a message dB can’t connect and I’m sure is because there’s more steps.

    thank you 

  2. @dlandon thank you for your prompt reply. i did follow the guide. Created the 99-.conf file but i kept getting an error saying it cant connect to mariadb

    I created a linuxserver/mariadb to connect to it.

    The question was more about do i have to create a separate network and use network_mode: network etc..

    I just cant get it to work.


    reason i want to try an external db, it's because i'm having problems with the internal db. First run it runs fine. Then overnight it crashes and cant connect. Did a bit of reading and I believe i tracked it to adding TZ in the docker as well as ensuring it's aligned in options>settings.

    That seemed to fix it. But now i have another problem:

    Aug 6 15:31:28 UNRAID web_php[2319]: ERR [SQL-ERR 'SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'DESC limit 20' at line 1', statement was 'SELECT `Id`, `MonitorId`, `Name`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StartTime`, date_format( StartTime, '%y/%m/%d %H:%i:%S' ) as StartTimeShort, `EndTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Length`, `Frames`, `AlarmFrames`, `TotScore`, `AvgScore`, `MaxScore` FROM Events WHERE Events.MonitorId = :selector0 ORDER BY DESC limit 20' params:1]
    Aug 6 15:31:28 UNRAID web_php[2319]: ERR [SQL-ERR dbFetchAll no result, statement was 'SELECT `Id`, `MonitorId`, `Name`, `Cause`, `Notes`, `StartTime`, date_format( StartTime, '%y/%m/%d %H:%i:%S' ) as StartTimeShort, `EndTime`, `Width`, `Height`, `Length`, `Frames`, `AlarmFrames`, `TotScore`, `AvgScore`, `MaxScore` FROM Events WHERE Events.MonitorId = :selector0 ORDER BY DESC limit 20'params: 1]

    So when I open a monitor i cant see the events list under it. if i click on the events (number) it will take me to events and i can see it.


    Not sure what's creating all that, but wanted to try external db.


    I also tried running your .master image. Got it running, no apparent db problems, but couldnt define motion zones as i cant see them in the brower. it shows a blank screen.


    Any guidance/suggestions are appreciated.

  3. docker-compose is available in community applications > nerd pack

    edit: it's not there anymore ??

    anyway adding the below to /boot/config/go will make it permanent



    COMPOSE_VERSION=$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/docker/compose/releases/latest | grep 'tag_name' | cut -d\" -f4)
    curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/${COMPOSE_VERSION}/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /us>
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose



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  4. @eribob

    GPU1 - Saphire RTX 570 (primary)

    GPU2- Gigabyte GTX1650


    It's only used during start. As soon as unraid is online, it's released and I can start the windows or mac vm using it.

    The sencond GPU I use for my Arch vm which is the daily driver.


    I allocate 8 cores (16 threads) to the vms and the first 4 cores to unraid (dockers)


    I dont game, sorry.


    Yes I have 4 x 16GB rams sticks


    No issues, it's very stable. no lockups or anything else. The only problem which everyone has right now is I cant get cpu and motherbouard temperature data as unraid 6.8.3 doesnt use the right kernel. Hopefully 6.9 will resolve that.



  5. HI, I'm not knowledgeable enough to comment on some of your questions, but I'll share info on what Im running now. 

    Asus ROG STRIX X470-F, Ryzen 3900x, 64GB RAM, 3 x 4TB Seagate, 500GB NvMe, GPU1 - Saphire RTX 570, GPU2- Gigabyte GTX1650

    I can definitely run 2 vms at the same time without issue in addition to about 40 dockers.


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