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Posts posted by juan11perez

  1. @tsawind I have an ASUS ROG STRIX X470-F GAMING. Until a week ago i was running it with a Ryzen 2700x for which i had had to flash back to bios Version 4207 from Dec 2018 as I was unable to passthrough any other way. 


    Last week i replaced the ryzen for a new 3900x. so no option but to upgrade the bios to the latest; in my case  Version 5406 from nov 25 2019.


    Rebooted while still with the ryzen 2700x and the bug was fixed. I was able to passthorugh without issues. Substituted with the new cpu (3900x) and same story. Pass through with no problem.


    I am running unraid in legacy mode.

  2. @Alec.Dalessandro I'm by no means attempting to diagnose as I'm just learning but will share a problem I had that may offer some clues.

    I'm passing an AMD RTX580. Initially when I started passing it the VM run fine. After a while when the vm was running updates it would automatically pull the "latest" amd driver and subsequently black out and crash. My solution was to login on vnc, delete the amd drivers, prevent/block windows from updating the display driver and starting the vm with pass-through again. The pre-installed driver works fine.

    Again, maybe completely unrelated.

  3. @Leoyzen i wanted to thank you for your tip. I've been messing around with this for months and your advise solved it. This is my relevant xml part


        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x09' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>
          <alias name='hostdev0'/>
          <rom file='/mnt/user/isos/vbios/Sapphire_RX570_8192_171019.rom'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x09' slot='0x00' function='0x0' multifunction='on'/>
        <hostdev mode='subsystem' type='pci' managed='yes'>
          <driver name='vfio'/>
            <address domain='0x0000' bus='0x09' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>
          <alias name='hostdev1'/>
          <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x09' slot='0x00' function='0x1'/>

    I'm running macox catalina with an amdrx570. I passed the bios and I'm not sure if it's necessary or not, but the result is it works and i have sound.



  4. Good day, I've been running a ROG STRIX X470-F GAMING atx with a ryzen 2700x for a couple of months now. VM pass-through gave me a hard-time until I discovered (thanks to advice on this forum) that the motherboard bios upgrades from March 2019 onwards had broken AGESA. I had to "manually" downgrade the bios to Version 4207 (Dic 2018) and since then it all works great!


    Now I want to upgrade my Ryzen to 3900x and I suspect I have to upgrade my bios. Anyone has had any experience with x470 atx and Ryzen 3900x? Specifically pass-through.



  5. First I run on a asrock Fatal1ty X470 Gaming-ITXac. Run without issues.

    About 2 months ago I moved it to ROG-STRIX-X470-F-GAMING-ASUS-5220 atx as I wanted more slots for GPUs. Also running without issues. 

    I currently have 52 dockers running, my daily driver vm (archlinux) with passtrough and a few other vms (windows, mac, mint) with passthrough as well. 

    All working fine and stable.

  6. @phyzical these are the commands for the ubuntu driver along with the related source:


    Nvidia driver installation on kubuntu


    sudo apt search nvidia-driver

    sudo apt-cache search nvidia-driver

    sudo apt install nvidia-driver-435 


    I also got it to work with debian with these:

    nvidia driver installation on debian plasma


    sudo apt install lshw

    sudo lshw -c display

    sudo apt install software-properties-common

    sudo add-apt-repository contrib

    sudo add-apt-repository non-free

    sudo apt update

    sudo apt install nvidia-driver 


    The whole nvidia ordeal is painful at beast; so patience. You'll get there.


    I use an nvidia gigabyte 1660. 



  7. I’ve been running ryzen 2700x on a asrock fatality x470 since January without issue. Just added a Radeon rx580 for when I want to plug a screen.  Runs very well.

    Last month I moved the 2700x to an asus RoG strix x470-f as I wanted more pci slots to add more GPUs and run at least 2 vms with pass through at the same time. Once I resolved the motherboard bios issue (had to downgrade as this amd vga story is not finished) everything also worked fine.


  8. Hi I struggled a bit with the Linux machines and nvidia drivers, so this is my personal experience.

    The only distro that was able to automatically pull the drivers and work out of the box was Mint. For all the others I tried (Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Manjaro, Arch) I had to install the latest driver (via noVNC) and then pass it.

  9. Good day, looking for some advice/recommendation. I have a number of vms running of the cache drive; which is also running dockers. The Vms are passed to AMD and Nvidia cards; for the most part it's stable but every now and then when windows throws an update it breaks the vm which in turn breaks everthying!

    As a side note I must say Unraid's rebuilding capability is fantastic. This little scenario has corrupted a data drive (rebuilt); the parity drive (rebuilt) and even the OS usb (rebuilt). I've been able to recover everthing every time.


    Anyway I think I'm pressing my luck, so I thought about moving all the vms onto an unassigned device and was looking for some feedback/experience.


    I understand it cant be completely isolated as the vm service wont start without the array, but if I moved all vm associated files/directories away, I pressume I'm mitigating the risk significantly?


    Thank you.

  10. Thank you for your prompt reply. Yes I worked it out; my case is I use docker-compose, so I dont have/had any xml templates and therefore no icons. I was thinking of something simpler, like on the vms.


    Anyway, I ended up creating basic xml templates for each container with essentially the icon url and that does the trick.

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