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  1. Cheers hinzufügen 'overwriteprotocol' => 'https', hat für mich gearbeitet
  2. Hi Long time listener of this issue early 2020, I was hoping this would of been resolved by now, it would seem after my update to 6.9 I have been working well with all the apps I need and the NAS. One of the main resaons for my purchase was having the best of both worlds regarding storage and the ability to game the docker apps have been a nice to have, there the cats out the bag but to the point. I am using what I estimated to be a tidy setup or at very least capable for my minor usage Gigabybte x570 3950 AMD 1080Ti 64 ram 2600mhz Giving acknowlegdement to other users with the same set of events and efforts made to not loose hope with this first world suffering here, I think this is now well documentated to at least get a small ear to the main dudes. For my issue I have managed to get it down to a managble issue where if I have to restart I have to redump my GPU bios to get the benefits of my GPU via my Win10 KVM However this does not happen when my drives spin down for sleep mode and I re-intialise my system so this is isolated to the reboots only My ask at this point is shouldn't the Unraid system be allowed to reboot intact from the usb drive using its last state, why is it changing on a clean reboot, there is certainly something strange going on, maybe its a piority may be its not, I sure would love to know though it bugging the hell out of me, considering my options moving forward, I certianly have had some fun using this co op of application, shame that changes from one version to next can't be caputred to isolate this issue.
  3. To do list: Method of attack 1 : copy your program you are about to edit so you can revert if it goes wrong Method of attack 2: use a good text editor when editing and saving your program files. if you notice that in the program that you are editoring it differs i.e the colour differences in the text from the tutorail examples you have already watched, it can give some indicators where you have entered the incorrect syntax command information. Text editors if you have not already source them are; textmate(Mac) and notepad++(Windows) Basic checks, are the correct spaces and characters used in your commands making your syntax 100% - rule of thumb check check check again Note: if your subdomain is your own have you given enough time for your domain provider to setup your CNAME ( without this knowlegde you can send yourself mad wondering why its not working when a little coffee time is needed, upto 24-hours sometimes) " even if the DNS pings back to your IP 🙂 " if you are not able to open the docker locally its time to check through your IP and ports, are all your IPs aligned with the custom proxy for example; custom proxynet ip range - 200; The dockers will have to be on the custom docker so they can be seen by each other Nextcloud should be on Letsencrypt should on For the must part I am guessing at your issues but these are some of the things that catch me out, saying that its nice to get a fresh pair of eyes from one noob to another, it would be more helpful if you put your program example on line and it could be spotted by others, its the stuff between the lines that catches out the up and coming and even the efficenardos.
  4. Hi Noob User here, I am currently using lets encrypt as a docker within my unraid server, for the most part it is working fine. The current issue is read from my logs, I believe it is a note letting me know that I can add a GeoIP2 license if I add an environment variable. “Starting 2019/12/30, GeoIP2 databases require personal license key to download. Please retrieve a free license key from MaxMind, and add a new env variable “MAXMINDDB_LICENSE_KEY”, set to your license key.” I would like to utilize the feature, so I have signed up to Maxmind and managed to, by filtering through with my limited knowleged to generated a license. At this stage this is where I have got stuck, only for the firm reason I don’t want to break what is seemly working for the most part. I want to add the env variable, So I opened a console to the lets encrypt docker and opened the enviornment text file in nano, but after searching the internet to learn how to add the command to call for the database, I have found serval ways to do this causing me some confusion, I am hoping I could get a little help to correctly add the right syntax command to enable the feature as I don’t want to break it. I always say any help would be greatly appreciated, so any help would be greatly apreciated.
  5. Hi for the purpose of understanding, I have been trying to get just the streaming server working, I am not using MariaDB, WordPress, nor nextcloud, I just need to run the Rmtp to stream from OBS. I have followed your tutorial, not bad by the way, however I keep getting errors in the docker log show below, also my settings. I can only assume it is the nginx.conf, plus the docker does not start any hints on what i may be doing wrong any help is very welcome I am losing the will to live
  6. Hi, I see your requesting to stream using OBS, the reason I am jumping on this thread, I am also trying the same project, so far I have found a docker called nginx rtmp docker by dvdgiessen, unfortunately I have not been able to get it working after multiple tries, as it needs the skills of setting up in the docker manually, by mapping volumes and containers, I am new to Unraid and I am trying to get out of my comfort zone by having a go, not very successfully. The relevance of the RTMP is it allows the transfer of data by encoding from and to OBS, with the bandwidth permitting, multiple live streams can be sent from your own server, bypassing the big brands or not, if your trying to stream to multiple platforms this is catered for to. I wish to highlight this has been done on a raspberry pie according to other users so your spec is ample, but they were doing it via VM using an Ubuntu Distro or directly loaded, with many hours of reading I can not find a descent walk through to get this running on Unraid, I can run up a VM, but I would much prefer to get this done on Unraid reducing further setting up. Below is my setup, if you can help I would very much appreciated it
  7. it would seem this is not as easy as one would think - Just to introduce myself, I am currently trying the same task above, I am by no means a Linux guru nor amazingly tech savvy, however I can follow good instructions haven built my own server and compiled the Unraid server, mounting and running various dockers just following YouTube Vids and forums a like. I would really like more clarity on this, from my limited understanding, I managed to configure the folders in the editable setup of the rtmp-nginx docker with the assigned port 1935, also creating the nginx.conf file with the above lines of code. docker setup below the setting I have above is an attempt not really knowing if this correct. after applying the settings the docker compiled successfully, however when I checked the log output its was blank? needless to say, I tried to gain further conformation via the VLC program using my localhost IP and port prefix 1935 with no great surprise, this proved unsuccessful. After several attempts I was hoping that someone with greater knowledge would have the correct sample of the settings in the docker setup so I can cross reference the errors of my ways, forgive my ignorance. Any help would be appreciated :-)