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  1. Thank You, should I expect the change will take effect in the next beta?
  2. Yes, i'm aware Still, all these available formats lack multiple language-specific glyphs, including polish. Would You be so kind as to update the files, or direct me towards a person that is responsible for it, please?
  3. @bonienl would it be possible to update WOFF fonts to include glyps from other languages than presently available? In my case i have a mix of clear-sans and times new roman which looks quite ugly That's just the main navbar, but it;'s the same everywhere. Apparently according to FontDrop, the Clear Sans version unRaid is using does support only 15 languages, not including polish: Whereas the TTF font available for download here: https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/clear-sans supports 36 languages including polish. It seems that even if I locally install this TTF version, my browsers (Chrome and Firefox) default to the woff fonts that do not include polish characters
  4. I think the language switch icon, might have been working, but other pages were mostly empty. The problem was caused by wrong format of line ends (CRLF) instead of (LF). Restarting solved that fortunately - unRaid had only English after reboot. Still, out of curiosity - is there any path accessible to the user via ssh, where the config is located?
  5. Is there any possibility of defining national date format? I unRaid the default is for example "Thursday, 2019 Aprlil 4". In polish it makes no sense, because we are used to a different format like "Thursday, 4 April 2019" which translates to "Czwartek, 4 kwietnia 2019".
  6. Testing first two files after translation. Per instruction i've zipped whole folder, uploaded and switched to Polish. then parts of GUI work ok, but crucially the forms for reverting to english or reuploading the zip file do not work at all. I know that restarting reverts to english, but how do i change the GUI language back to english via the terminal, to avoid restarting?
  7. That is wonderful, already put to good use, thank You!
  8. Good Sir, would it be possible to create an icon for Microserver Gen8?
  9. Same problem here. Temporary solution that I came up with is to edit the docker settings and change repository to an older version: "linuxserver/duplicati:v2.0.4.23-"
  10. If so, than the GUI should not say "enabled", and certainly it should not say next to it: "Status: Running" In reality something is clearly going on even if there is no user. Connecting to FTP server is giving different errors depending on the state of the switch: Enabled (no user assigned): "Connection closed without indication. The connection attempt was rejected." From time to time also "Error 500" Disabled: "Connection refused (Connection refused). The connection attempt was rejected." If the error message is consistently different, than the state of the server must be different - maybe not ftpd itself, but the firewall rules change? EDIT: correct, when FTP server is set to Enabled, even without any users, port 21 is open, whereas with server set to disabled it is closed as it should be.
  11. If I zoom in using mobile safari to open notifications menu (green button on the right side), the submenu opens waaaay to far to the left.
  12. OK! Great to have it confirmed that no data loss would occur in case the passphrase is provided accidentally.
  13. Correct, so is it sensible to disable array start without an explanation, ask for a non existing password, if no new disk has been added, the existing ones are unencrypted, and there is no use for the password you are asking for? If so, what would happen if i provided the password, before starting the array?
  14. Problem description: Unable to manually start array. Automatic start after reboot works ok. All drives are unencrypted (xfs) Visual manifestation of the problem: After stopping array manually, the START button on Main screen greyed out, input field below it asks for passphrase, even though there are no encrypted drives in the system. Temporary solution: Set "Default file system" in Settings > Disk Settings to "xfs" instead of "xfs-encrypted" Proposed solution: Connect asking for array disk passphrase in the GUI with at least one drive having an encrypted filesystem, not with default settings.
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