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  1. No, you will indeed do a lot of this from the terminal as you can't interact from the unRAID dockerman (GUI). And you can go as deep as you want with unRAID, it doen't really hide anything for you, which is what I love about it.
  2. You don't really need to compose a docker neither. Just download/curl the build script, run the commands and when you run ./bitwarden.sh start it will issue the compose commands needed to start anything. And the override setting will allow you to override the default settings.
  3. You need to find the nerdpack plugin, it has docker-compose included, cause you are right indeed that bitwarden uses docker-compose to start everything up. Then with that installed just follow the steps mentioned in the Bitwarden docs. You have to complete: - step 1 - step 2 is already done by running unraid (docker onboard) and installing the nerdpack for docker-compose - create a directory in step 3 (I have mine on /mnt/user/appdata/bitwarden since the appdata resides on the cache only). Note that I did not create a bitwarden user at the time, may do that later for additional security, this has been running for 3 years+ lol. - Get your key in step 4 - Install Bitwarden in step 5 by curling the build script into the directory you have created and then invoke some commands. - Add the overrides I gave you in the mentioned post in step 6 so it will actually be able to start on unRAID - Then start it and enjoy Bitwarden. GL!
  4. I think I still have Bitwarden running using the override file specified in my comment: I don’t recall touching that since and it had been working very well for me. You cannot choose another SQL version, this is what the template from Bitwarden pulls for you. Good luck!
  5. Hmm, did not get a notification on these replies. Guess I wasn’t following my own topic yet lol. Following now. Good suggestions tho! I’ll check those out and report back later on. Cheers!
  6. Hey Y'all! I'm using a custom built bash script to update all my self built docker containers every once in a while. It still requires me to login to the GUI and press the "Update All" button from the Docker tab tho.. I'm running these updates from the terminal so would rather have the code trigger this as well. Have been searching through the php files etc to see if I can see how this is done but no luck yet. I also have a script that allows my UPS to shutdown unraid in a clean manner which basically uses the CSRF token to control it. echo 'Stopping unraid array.' CSRF=$(cat /var/local/emhttp/var.ini | grep -oP 'csrf_token="\K[^"]+') # Send this command to the backgroup so we can check the status of the unmount on the array (last step unraid takes) # We send everything to /dev/null cause we're not interested in nohup's output nohup curl -k --data "startState=STARTED&file=&csrf_token=${CSRF}&cmdStop=Stop" https://localhost:5443/update.htm >/dev/null 2>&1 & I assume that something similar must be possible for the Update All button? Anyone able to assist here? Appreciate the efforts! Best regards, Sidney
  7. Hahahah you went down the rabbit hole on this one didn’t you. I’ve spent a fair amount of time of this as well, but at some point thought those few gigabytes weren’t worth my time (also became a father in the meantime so less time to play 🤣👊🏻). Having that said, aren’t you better off writing a guide to cut down on these writes and post them in a separate thread? This thread has become so big that it will scare off anyone accidentally coming here via Google or something. Would be a waste of knowledge that you have gained (that others could benefit from) if you ask me. Cheers 🤙🏻
  8. Just add those lines to download docker-compose in the go file and have the user scripts plug-in run a few lines of docker-compose commands after array start? I haven’t set it up tho as I manually unlock my encrypted array anyways. Cheers
  9. So coming back on this bug report. I have upgraded to 6.9 on March 2nd and also wiped the cache to take advantage of the new partition alignment (I have Samsung EVO's and perhaps a portion of OCD 🤣). Waited a bit to get historic data. Pre 6.9 TBW on 19-02-2021 23:57:01 --> 15.9 TB, which is 16313.7 GB. TBW on 20-02-2021 23:57:01 --> 16.0 TB, which is 16344.9 GB. TBW on 21-02-2021 23:57:01 --> 16.0 TB, which is 16382.8 GB. TBW on 22-02-2021 23:57:01 --> 16.0 TB, which is 16419.5 GB. -> Writes somewhere on 34/35GB's average a day. 6.9 TBW on 05-03-2021 23:57:01 --> 16.6 TB, which is 16947.4 GB. TBW on 06-03-2021 23:57:01 --> 16.6 TB, which is 16960.2 GB. TBW on 07-03-2021 23:57:01 --> 16.6 TB, which is 16972.8 GB. TBW on 08-03-2021 23:57:01 --> 16.6 TB, which is 16985.3 GB. -> Writes round 12/13GB's a average a day So I would say 6.9 (and reformatting) made a very big improvement. I think most of these savings are due to the new partition alignment as I was running docker directly on the cache already and recall made a few tweaks suggested here (adding mount options, cannot remember which exactly). Thanks @limetech and all other devs for the work put into this. This bug report is Closed 👍
  10. Without proper tooling the layers from the BTRFS will likely inflate and the image data won't be usable. With proper tooling this may/could work I think but just wiping is way easier 😂
  11. The GO (and service.d file) modifications are not needed anymore in unraid 9.2 as they basically created a way to do exactly that from the GUI. The GUI should now allow you to host docker files in their own directory directly on the cache (which what the workaround did via scripts instead of the GUI). Haven't moved there myself yet as I still see enough issues with rc2 for now. I believe that reformatting the cache is also advisable cause they have made some changes in the partition alignment there as well (you may or may not get lesser rights because of it, I'm using Samsung EVO's so I consider wiping and reformatting mine after the upgrade). Cheers!
  12. I've looked at my go file, I still have the pip3 way in place and it's working nice: # Since the NerdPack does not include this anymore we need to download docker-compose outselves. # pip3, python3 and the setuptools are all provided by the nerdpack # See: https://forums.unraid.net/index.php?/topic/35866-unRAID-6-NerdPack---CLI-tools-(iftop,-iotop,-screen,-kbd,-etc.&do=findComment&comment=838361) pip3 install docker-compose The second way via curl also works well as I equipped my duplicati container with it. You don't have to setup any dependencies that pip3 needs, so for simplicity reasons this may be more perferable. Cheers!
  13. Best wishes to you too 👍 Whether to use docker-compose or Unraid’s own DockerMan, depends on what you want and/or need. The DockerMan templates give you an easy option to redeploy containers from the GUI, you’ll also be notified when a docker container has an update available. I like Unraid’s tools so I default to these and create most containers from the GUI, however certain scenarios cannot be setup via DockerMan (at least not when I checked), like linking the network interfaces of containers together (so that all the container’s traffic flows through one of them). Therefore I use docker-compose for those and also have some containers I’ve built myself that I want to setup with some dependencies. I update them via a bash script I wrote and redeploy them afterwards, as the GUI is not able to modify their properties (which answers your second question, containers deployed outside of the DockerMan GUI do not get a template and cannot be managed/updated, you can start and stop them tho). My advise would be: stay with the Unraid default tooling unless you find a limitation which might make you want to deviate from them.
  14. I know haha, but I'm waiting for the upgraded kernel I'm still on the latest build that had the 5+ kernel included.
  15. Wow these releases are PACKED!! Can't wait for this to reach a stable release. Thanks for the improvements 🙏
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