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  1. After update to 6.12.2 I have warning "Possibly out of inotify watches". Using Tips and tweaks plugin I changed setting, but the warning is still persist. Current settings: Max User Watches = 8388608 Current User Watches = 6085403 Available User Watches = 2303205 Also I never had this warning before. 6.12.2 bug?
  2. But a lot of things is not quite good and reliable yet. SAS drives spindown was broken ages ago and not working still, technical support is very limited (most of my questions I resolved by myself, no one helped me from the community), many OS features is a third party plugins which can stop working or being updated at any time, etc, etc, etc. But from 3.5 years of Unraid experience, it's ok. No need to migrate for me to anything else right now. But it's become a little annoying that every major update focuses on cloud services like MyServers or Connect. From the past 2 years, only Pools and ZFS was added (big features)? Not so much. And security updates were very rare. Also I have concerns that Unraid will require in the future active internet connection and Unraid online account and authentication working 24/7.
  3. Ok. This is the answer I was looking for. Thanks. Moderators, please close the thread if you prefer. Personally I prefer VPN for administration as it's one of the the best practices. Proxy only for services like Nextcloud, Plex, etc. For many of users, agree. But it's relies on the end user. For me, it's not a big deal, use only official service or the one which you hosting by yourself. Do not use service you don't trust. I have tried it long time ago and it was a disaster. API was failing multiple times a day and I have to disable it because it didn't seems reliable at that time. I know it was a beta, but still.
  4. Rude. Moderators, please check. It's a violation of forum rules. And it's bad. Why not make a selfhost alternative? I'm not talking about making it opensource. Just an ability to selfhost. You can selfhost Omada, you can selfhost Ubiquity. It's the same. Not only beginners use Unraid. There a lot of qualified engineers here. Since I paid for Unraid 3 times, I want to use it. Please do not decide what I want or don't want. P.S. If you don't understand my point, please stop spamming me. Don't waste my time if you have nothing to say about discussion. It was a question to Unraid developers, not for a "community".
  5. And it's bad. I have 3 licences and new features are not suitable for everyone. There are no freedom here.
  6. Please send me a link how can I selfhost Unraid Connect. Also do not confuse one with another. Reverse proxy, Google Drive? It's does not apply to Unraid Connect and it's not an alternative. Also setting up reverse proxy on server dashboard? It's insane in the matter of network security. Use VPN instead. I want to selfhost Unraid Connect. Like a dashboard for my servers. A good example with networking. You can selfhost Omada or Ubiquity controllers, why not Unraid Connect?
  7. I'm not sure what you mean by this, but you don't get my point. Please re-read the original post. My point is to let an ability to selfhost Unraid Connect service and to not force people to rely on third party clouds. Many of us don't trust clouds (even if cloud from Unraid developers) and want to control everything. If you want to use Unraid Connect, you don't have options here and you have to loose some control over your services and data. I think it's not a big deal to publish a docker image or a VM image in the future and make some freedom to those who don't want rely on third party cloud services (which Unraid connect is, basically it's a cloud service).
  8. The whole point (for many of users) of hosting a server at home (work, etc) is to using selfhosted services, manage data locally and to not send it everywhere and to everyone, etc. Is there a option to selfhost Unraid Connect? Or will be it planned in the futute? Many of us want to manage data by ourselves and do not trust to third party people or services in matter of data - this is the basis and the whole point of selfhosting. Also many of us have a lot of skills and can easily deploy such kind of service on VPS, on another server or somewhere else (I mean Unraid Connect) and configure network for secure access. For now we do not have an option to use best practices in security and privacy for Unraid Connect. For example with networking technologies, you can selfhost TP-Link Omada controller or Ubiquiti controller, why not Unraid Connect? Regards, Unraid user.
  9. After updating to 6.10 fan detection doesn't work. It recognizes randomly 0-2 fans out of 6. Motherboard ASRock X470D4U. On 6.9 it worked correctly. Also Reading page not opening from the plugin but I can open it through tools.
  10. I have strange errors after update to 6.10.0 (6.10.1 too). It happens every time when VMBackup script running. But backup itself seems to be completed successfully because VM image and all files was copied to the destination. 2022-05-23 21:30:03 failure: copy of /mnt/remotes/ 10/20220522_2130_vdisk1.img to /mnt/remotes/ 10/20220523_2130_vdisk1.img failed. This is confusing, why script tries to copy old image file to a new one? Why this error happening? Also I'm not sure why this is got failed, because SMB share where I'm copying backups is 100% working fine and reliable. Is this issue with file permission? All files got 0666 rights and share user as a owner.
  11. Added this into custom options: -vf yadif=1:-1:1 -rc:v vbr -cq:v 28 -b:v 8000k -maxrate:v 10000k
  12. Exactly. Nov 19 09:08:39 R7UNRAID emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdi Nov 19 09:08:39 R7UNRAID SAS Assist v0.86: Spinning down device /dev/sdi Nov 19 09:08:45 R7UNRAID emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdi Seems that is my case... Also this happening on 6.10-rc2.
  13. I have 4xHUS726060AL5210 HGST SAS drives on LSI 9200-8i HBA. On 6.9.2 they are can't be spin down. On 6.9.1 it works perfect but for a couple of reasons I can't downgrade to 6.9.1. It there a fix for this? Is this Unraid issue or plugin issue? UPD: Same issue on 6.10-rc2.
  14. Yadif is a deinterlacing filter. I think this is just bug in unmanic. It stucks only at the time when it tries to transfer file from cache to the destination directory. So I think that unmanic transfer entire file to RAM for no reason. Ffmpeg can't waste so much of RAM, so it's an issue in unmanic itself.
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