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Using Pre-clear Disk Plugin


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I am trying to find general info on pre-clearing and the pre-clear plugin. Most of the info I found are from spaceinvaider ones video and the comments on the source code. I would really appreciate however if anyone has details on how exactly this process works and what to look for in the logs. ie Is the pre-clear not failing is enough to trust the drive?


Also, I am looking for the answer of these specific questions:  

  1. A WD red plus drive was making a clicking sound during pre read phase. The click itself didn't sound abnormal for a dive(this is my 6th WD red, but first "plus"

, so i am familiar with how they sound) but the click was happening once a second exactly like a clock. Pre read completed successfully. After pre read, clicking stooped. 


An other drive I just bought (a seagate ironwolf if matters) also passed pre clear. Put in the logs section I see the line: 

Dec 13 14:50:07 preclear_disk_VDKAS47P_25498: Pre-Read: dd - read 8001565319168 of 8001563222016.

since the numbers don't match should I be alarmed? (full log posted below) 


This is my first post on the forums, since I always try to solve things by my self first, but the pre-clearing (especially pre reading) issues seems to be not very discussed online. Any help appreciated!

Full Logs:

Screen Shot 2020-12-13 at 7.10.18 PM.png

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