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Cache pool drive replacement issue


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Needed to upgrade 2 of the 4 SSDs i had in my cache pool so i swapped in the first one and it did the standard BTRFS rebuild or whatever it is supposed to do. Once that completed i stopped the array and put the second one in, this time when it came up though it did a parity check for some reason and never actually did the BTRFS rebuild or whatever it is and now when i start the array it was telling me i had a missing cache drive but referenced the new drive as the missing one even though its in the array.


So my question is, what do i do so i can get the BTRFS function to do what it is supposed to do?

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No, it's not mounting, and with an error that doesn't make sense:


super_num_devices 3 mismatch with num_devices 3 found here

Basically means it's expecting 3 devices and it's finding 3 devices, and that doesn't match.


Did you still have anything important on cache? Docker image can easily be recreated, as for Plex was that the database? I don't use Plex so not sure if that is easily recreated or if you have a backup.


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@JorgeB just your standard vms, appdata, docker image, etc.


My question for you then is since the new SSD is still showing as unmountable in the unassigned devices but does give me the option to preclear it...should i do that? What is to say wiping out the cache and starting over would get that other one working?


Edit: Also, i still have the drive i pulled sitting in unassigned devices, if i put that back in will that break anything? Or is it better to put the new drive back in the array, wipe the cache array, then copy data from the old drive.

Edited by hermy65
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41 minutes ago, hermy65 said:

Also, i still have the drive i pulled sitting in unassigned devices,

Do you mean the original device? If it's the original device try adding it back, but you need to this:


Stop the array, unassign all cache devices, start array to make Unraid "forget" current cache config, stop array, reassign all cache devices (there can't be an "All existing data on this device will be OVERWRITTEN when array is Started" warning for any cache device), start array.


1 minute ago, hermy65 said:

i assume if we blow this away i just add the new drive then tell it to format the cache array since its unmountable

Just need to format with the new device, all data will be lost.




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