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HELP - Windows 10 VM stuck at boot screen


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So my Windows 10 VM has been working fine for months. I recently went in and enabled the Sandbox option via the "Turn Windows features on or off" menu in Control Panel Settings. After a required reboot, the VM now refuses to boot and is stuck in the bootup screen.




After rebooting a few times, it goes into "Preparing Automatic Repair" 

I went into the Repair options page but nothing worked.




"System Restore" option wouldn't even recognize a windows installation.

Under "Command Prompt", I could see the drive with the Windows installation.

I have the install media and virtio driver isos both connected. I tried the "drvload <path to>viostor.inf" command and that made the windows 10 installation be recognized by the Rescue menu but Startup repair still failed. 

I don't see any option for a Safe Mode boot.


I tried booting from the insall disk to see what other repair options exist but nothing seemed to help.

I tried changing the template to use a single core but that didn't work.

I tried creating a new Windows VM using both Win 7 and Win 10 templates and pointing to a copy of the vdisk1.img file but got the same behaviour.


These are the drives I see:








I attached the XML file for reference.


I  don't know what else to do and I really don't want to start from scratch again.

Unfortunately, I didn't back up the VM ( I wish I did now)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by frakman1
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I loaded the viostor driver like this:




Then used dism to inject the driver into the windows installation




I tried rebooting here but nothing changed. So I went back and redid the above steps then used bcdedit to make it go to safemode


bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal


But that didn't change anything after a reboot (or choosing "continue to boot from Windows 10") either.

I also tried without the {current} string:


bcdedit /set safeboot minimal


I am out of ideas at this point. 

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It turned out that I had to use {default} instead of {current} to make it go into safe mode properly. 


bcdedit /set {default} safeboot minimal


The way to know which one to use, it to look at the output of bcdedit


Once I did that and rebooted, it went ito Safemode after complaining about an update failing and that it was undoing changes. It did that a second time after rebooting. Finally, it booted into Windows in SafeMode. I then ran msconfig and turned off SafeMode, rebooted and it worked normally again. Phew!


This link was helpful in getting things working

Edited by frakman1
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello @frakman1 thank you for this topic.


I'm struggling with the same problem here. It looks like your solution should help me but when I try to do

"drvload viostor.inf" I get the loaded successful message, but then the system stop responding and freezes.


Any ideas why is this happening? I really don't want to reinstall windows. Any help is welcome.



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The "drvload" command should be run within the "Command Prompt" box, so it is surprising to me that anything would hang since it's not a full-blown windows environment. 

I don't really know but if it's hanging after loading the virtio driver, then take a look at which iso you are using. I'm using this one:



Maybe you could try different ones.

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Yes, that is pretty weird... But I'm doing exactly that, via CMD line.... I've also tried multiple  virtio isos... no luck, it always frezes...


This is very annoying, I'm now building a VM from scratch, unfortunately I'll lose everything on the other one... A shame, it was running perfectly until a bad reboot...


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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...
On 12/24/2020 at 3:08 AM, frakman1 said:

I loaded the viostor driver like this:




Then used dism to inject the driver into the windows installation




I tried rebooting here but nothing changed. So I went back and redid the above steps then used bcdedit to make it go to safemode


bcdedit /set {current} safeboot minimal


But that didn't change anything after a reboot (or choosing "continue to boot from Windows 10") either.

I also tried without the {current} string:


bcdedit /set safeboot minimal


I am out of ideas at this point. 

Hey !


I have the same reoccurring problem, every now and again my W10 VM will crap out and loose the C:\ and take me to the repair boot screen.


Running the above gets my "C:" back in the cmd prompt, but when i reboot it craps out again.


Any help would be ace. 


when i run the bootrec commands its says total identified windows installation:0 ?







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