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Please help - Multiple Disk failures.


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I have a red X in my array and another disk with errors.  This happened to Disk 1 (SDH) not long ago.  I did the a removed it and re-added it to the array and it rebuild fine.  I then ran a long SMART and passed with no problem.  Now a month later same problem on Disk1 with 3 errors but also Disk 2 has 23 errors.  Should I shut down the array, reboot, shut the box off?  Any assistance would be great.  I am attaching Diags and Smart reports.



tower2-diagnostics-20210218-1337.zip tower2-smart-20210218-1345 (1).zip tower2-smart-20210218-1345.zip

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Disks 1 and 2 dropped offline at the same time (and reconnected with different identifiers), because of that SMART reports are empty, but unlikely to be a disk problem with 2 disks at the same time, most likely power/connection issue, start by checking if the disks share a power cable or splitter, then post new diags after a reboot just to check SMART.

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Thanks - I did have a weird issue when rebuilding this system last year.  I have 4 14TB drives 2 Toshiba, 2 WD.  The WDs would not power up of the sata power from the power supply only from a molex converted to sata.  The Toshibas run fine.  They have been running fine for most of a year that way.  Any ideas?  New power supply or go all Toshibas?

The Raid is now rebuilding but I don't want this to happen again.

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One other thing is I may impose.  Do you know why I get Current Pending Sector is 1 then a little while later Current Pending Sector returned to Normal on my cache drive.

Unraid Cache 2 SMART health [197]: 19-02-2021 08:07

Warning [TOWER2] - current pending sector is 1
CT1000MX500SSD1_2018E2A00323 (sdc)

Unraid Cache 2 SMART message [197]: 19-02-2021 08:38

Notice [TOWER2] - current pending sector returned to normal value
CT1000MX500SSD1_2018E2A00323 (sdc)

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