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Forum Feature Request: Add Markdown/Markup plugin


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I've been working on a guide walking through SR-IOV implementation for NICs in UnRAID, and I think I've got it pretty well done, but hit a bit of a snag when it came to posting it - I (out of habit) typed everything up in markdown, but didn't even think to check (derp) whether the forum software supported it :-\ 


It looks like there's a Markup plugin for invision community, and I think that'd work - there are plenty of quick converters out there, and it Markup supports mostly the same features, just in different ways... Would it be possible to get the Markup plugin installed? Or better yet, if there IS a plugin for MD that I just didn't see, that'd be awesome!


Main reason for asking is, the guide got... well, wordy. As you can probably imagine, since the implementation is specific to the driver utilized, there are lots of caveats for each, each with it's own unique steps. I can work around most things with the built in editor, but collapsable test wasn't something I was able to find an option for. Unless there's already a way to use collapsable text that maybe I'm just missing?


Thanks Limetech!

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On 2/27/2021 at 8:04 AM, BVD said:

Unless there's already a way to use collapsable text that maybe I'm just missing?

Before the great forum update a little while ago, it was possible to manually add spoiler tags, and they worked fine. I can't get it to work for me anymore even though the posts I used them in previously still work properly.


26 minutes ago, BVD said:

I see a notification stating that you'd quoted me in this thread, but for whatever reason, I can't see the reply anywhere... 😕 

Originally, I replied stating you could use the spoiler tag, and tried to post it collapsed. When it didn't work properly, I deleted it, since I couldn't add positively to the discussion.

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Ah, understood - thanks! I kinda gave up on it as well after trying all manner of similar things and just posted the guide as is... I did find that using the Quote feature shrinked things down quite a bit, which helps for now! Though as you can probably tell, it'd still be better to have a dropdown text functionality:


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9 minutes ago, BVD said:

I kinda gave up on it as well after trying all manner of similar things

Yeah, it seems like the forum software (invision) is hell bent on going the way of microsoft, making pretty GUI things for the sake of prettiness, while removing needed functionality. Prior to the upgrade, we asked multiple times for an easy to access collapsible quoting with monospace for logs and xml, and when the upgrade came they removed the ability to even manually accomplish it, which like I said, was working albeit by manually inserting tags.


It's not like the back end functionality is missing, like I said, existing posts with those features still display and function fine, they just removed the ability to do it to new posts.


WYSIWYG editors with no access to the actual underlying layout will be the death of us all.


What little html coding I do, I still do it in a plain text editor. Suites me just fine. GET OFF MY LAWN. 🤣

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Just now, jonathanm said:

What little html coding I do, I still do it in a plain text editor. Suites me just fine. GET OFF MY LAWN. 🤣


100% THIS - I hate feeling like something I made isn't as good as it *could* be, and it's not like I can just embed a gist from my github, or I'd be set... I almost did it anyway, just saying 'I made a guide, click this link', but felt like less people would actually see/use it, which kinda defeats the purpose 😞 

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On 2/27/2021 at 5:04 AM, BVD said:

I've been working on a guide walking through SR-IOV implementation for NICs in UnRAID, and I think I've got it pretty well done, but hit a bit of a snag when it came to posting it - I (out of habit) typed everything up in markdown, but didn't even think to check (derp) whether the forum software supported it :-\ 


It looks like there's a Markup plugin for invision community, and I think that'd work - there are plenty of quick converters out there, and it Markup supports mostly the same features, just in different ways... Would it be possible to get the Markup plugin installed? Or better yet, if there IS a plugin for MD that I just didn't see, that'd be awesome!


Main reason for asking is, the guide got... well, wordy. As you can probably imagine, since the implementation is specific to the driver utilized, there are lots of caveats for each, each with it's own unique steps. I can work around most things with the built in editor, but collapsable test wasn't something I was able to find an option for. Unless there's already a way to use collapsable text that maybe I'm just missing?


Thanks Limetech!



Looking into this now right now.

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On 2/27/2021 at 5:04 AM, BVD said:

I've been working on a guide walking through SR-IOV implementation for NICs in UnRAID, and I think I've got it pretty well done, but hit a bit of a snag when it came to posting it - I (out of habit) typed everything up in markdown, but didn't even think to check (derp) whether the forum software supported it :-\ 


It looks like there's a Markup plugin for invision community, and I think that'd work - there are plenty of quick converters out there, and it Markup supports mostly the same features, just in different ways... Would it be possible to get the Markup plugin installed? Or better yet, if there IS a plugin for MD that I just didn't see, that'd be awesome!


Main reason for asking is, the guide got... well, wordy. As you can probably imagine, since the implementation is specific to the driver utilized, there are lots of caveats for each, each with it's own unique steps. I can work around most things with the built in editor, but collapsable test wasn't something I was able to find an option for. Unless there's already a way to use collapsable text that maybe I'm just missing?


Thanks Limetech!

Before going down too much of a rabbit hole, is the "Code" block not sufficient for what you want to do? See:



Screen Shot 2021-03-05 at 9.35.39 AM.png

# This is needed to prevent your install to become
# a buster/sid (beowulf/ceres) Frankestein. 
Package: *
Pin: release n=sid #or n=ceres
Pin-Priority: -1 
# Your mileage may vary here...
# Try to comment (temporarily) the rule above to check the dependencies needed by
# 'apt-get install npm' and add them one by one, it shouldn't be a long list...
Package: npm node-define-properties node-npm-package-arg node-psl libjs-psl
Pin: release n=sid #or n=ceres
Pin-Priority: 500


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