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Fatal Flash Drive Error

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"This usually means your flash drive is corrupted or has dropped offline. The rest of the Unraid GUI will also be affected. Post a new thread in the Unraid forums if this error continues"


I recently got this message while working on something in the GUI and thought it was maybe a false error, so I decided to reboot only to discover that a bunch of stuff from the flash drive had been lost, including the ability to boot. I created a brand new flash drive, copied over my config and a few files (excluding the needed slackware image, some fsck logs, etc.). It booted right up and everything looked good except I couldn't start the array because of registration. 

I tried to correct that using the new "MyServers" stuff and for some reason the login popup was showing a different email address than I had used for the MyServers account. The HTML field was locked so it was non-editable, so I couldn't change it. I logged into the MyServers section here of the forums and tried to follow the instructions, but as I was working on that, I got the above message again on a different flash drive. 

I believe that this is probably either a MyServers-caused issue -OR- something to do with recent Dynamix apps that I had installed, as I noticed that the WebGUI theme was changing to a different one and when I'd try to change it back, it would just reload the same theme I didn't want. I noticed "dynamix" on one of the web pages there and it may be suspect. 

I can wipe my flash drive and start anew (if this latest error has wiped stuff from the flash drive again), copying over my config stuff, but I can't perform the replacement key process because of the e-mail address mismatch between what the WebGUI thinks I should use to login with and what was actually used to create the MyServers/Forums account. Since I literally cannot change the input field because it's locked, I'm locked out of being able to use my array. 

I have to tell you, being a new customer, that 6.9.x wasn't ready for primetime. I've had nothing but problems since upgrading, even reverting to 6.8.3 when 6.9.0 dropped and until 6.9.1 fixed some stuff. I wanted the AMD hardware acceleration stuff for jellyfin/plex and decided to go with the upgrade because of that, but it's been a nightmare. I'm really considering that I should back up what data I have and give another product a try at this point. I'm really pissed that I can't use my own freaking array because of a flash drive/registration problem, until this gets resolved. No reduced capability, no reverting to a 30-day trial, just a grayed out "Start" button for the array and a "Invalid, missing or expired registration key." message. 

Help me fix this, please.

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12 minutes ago, trurl said:

Was it an email address that you own?


Do you have any ports open to your server?

Yes, I own both e-mail addresses. I've dug through the WebGUI and I can't find a single place where an e-mail address was declared. I do have a few ports open. I have an HTTP port redirect from 80 -> 8096 for access to jellyfin for a few friends to check out, an HTTPS opening on a non-standard port, and 8089 for access to Channels DVR web interface. The endpoint services for each are password protected. I don't believe that this is a case of someone getting access to the machine, as I have things pretty well locked down (I'm an ex-Network Security Engineer). 

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1 hour ago, Joe Rees said:

something to do with recent Dynamix apps that I had installed, as I noticed that the WebGUI theme was changing to a different one and when I'd try to change it back, it would just reload the same theme I didn't want. I noticed "dynamix" on one of the web pages there and it may be suspect. 

This is because of the flash dropping offline.  Because it couldn't read your settings, everything winds up reverting back to default.


Hence the message "Fatal Flash Drive Error" that you got via the Apps Tab.  You may or may not notice the problems via the WebGUI (depending upon how you had it set up), but CA definitely notices it and warns you...

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2 minutes ago, Squid said:

This is because of the flash dropping offline.  Because it couldn't read your settings, everything winds up reverting back to default.


Hence the message "Fatal Flash Drive Error" that you got via the Apps Tab.  You may or may not notice the problems via the WebGUI (depending upon how you had it set up), but CA definitely notices it and warns you...


Ok, so you think it was an actual flash drive problem? I have already replaced it with a new one, but I can't move the registration over because of the e-mail address issue. What cam I do to get that sorted out? I'm hoping that this new flash drive will continue working after the registration move. 

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