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Disk disappeared from rootshare - Reappeared as unmountable upon restart

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I was manually sorting through files via rootshare today and when I navigated to one specific disk it threw an error at me (some sort of I/O error) and disappear from the list of disks in the rootshare. I restarted my server and upon restart the disk is showing unmountable. It had previously acted finnicky but a restart cleared it up.


The disk has been in the system it's entire life, I bought it brand new and put it in a few years ago. I tried looking through the diagnostic files (attached) but I just don't have enough background in this to sift through and find out what is going on. Unfortunately there is quite a bit of data on it that I would like to keep, as it is one of my two larger drives. It is disk 3 in my array for reference.


Hoping I can find a solution that will allow me to save the data and the disk.



Edited by DoesItHimself
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