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Correct Way to Rebuild Password Files?

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Hi All,

I'm a newbie with Unraid and need some help.  I recently updated to 6.9.1 from 6.8.3.  I wiped the USB Flash drive and installed 6.9.1 on to it. Now I get the error below when I try to login:


Warning: file(/etc/nginx/htpasswd): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/emhttp/login.php on line 23

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/emhttp/login.php on line 23




The list below are possible fixes I have identified through some research on my own:


  1. Reboot the UnRaid server in Safe Mode = Did not fix the problem.
  2. The manual says to delete these files:
  • config/passwd
  • config/shadow
  • config/smbpasswd


     3. However, a post in the UnRaid forum says to reset password only delete:

  • config/shadow
  • config/smbpasswd


What is the correct fix? 


Also, I made a backup of my 6.8.3 UnRaid OS before I wiped the USB Flash Drive.  What files can I copy from the 6.8.3 backup and paste into the 6.9.1 USB to fix this Password problem?  


I hope someone in the community can answer my questions because I am currently locked out of my UnRaid server.  Thank you for your time.



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5 hours ago, slipstream said:

BUMP -  Please can somebody in the community help me solve this problem. Thank you.

if you wiped the flash drive and put a fresh 6.9.1 release on it without copying across your old configuration information then it would have reverted to having no password set.

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42 minutes ago, itimpi said:

if you wiped the flash drive and put a fresh 6.9.1 release on it without copying across your old configuration information then it would have reverted to having no password set.



Thank you to all for your postings. 


Itimpi, just to confirm. You are saying if I copy across the files listed below from my the old 6.8.3 backup I made over to my new 6.9.1 USB Flash Drive my old ROOT password should come back to life and work as before. Correct?

  • config/passwd
  • config/shadow
  • config/smbpasswd


Constructor, to answer your question. I had a terrible time configuring my VM to work with CD/DVD optical drives connected to Asmedia SATA Controller cards.  I installed and removed Windows10 and Linux Mint VM attempts at least 10 different times.  In short, I noticed my UnRaid OS got buggy after all of the experimentation I performed.  So I thought it would be best to wipe the slate clean and start all over with a clean 6.9.1 UnRaid OS installation.  I honestly thought (as a newbie) all of the Password information was kept in the UnRaid Array and not in the USB Flash drive.   I hope I will be able to fix this problem because currently I am locked out of my own data.


Lastly, I will try tonight to clear out the cache for my FireFox browser in the window shown below:




Thank you to all for your help.






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6 minutes ago, slipstream said:

Itimpi, just to confirm. You are saying if I copy across the files listed below from my the old 6.8.3 backup I made over to my new 6.9.1 USB Flash Drive my old ROOT password should come back to life and work as before. Correct?

  • config/passwd
  • config/shadow
  • config/smbpasswd


Yes. The 'config' folder on the flash drive contains all the settings that are specific to your unRaid installation.



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18 minutes ago, slipstream said:

Constructor, to answer your question.

Newbie, to answer your question.

16 minutes ago, slipstream said:

I honestly thought (as a newbie) all of the Password information was kept in the UnRaid Array and not in the USB Flash drive.

Nothing is kept on the array except the data you put there. All your settings from the webUI, including disk assignments, as well as your license is in the config folder on flash.


You really need to use that folder from backup or you will be starting completely from scratch and Unraid won't even know which disk belongs where. Very important you don't accidentally assign a data disk to a parity slot or its data will be overwritten by parity.

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Thank you for the posts.  I did an eyeball comparison between the 6.83 CONFIG folder and the 6.9.1 CONFIG folder and they are definitely different. I also compared a bunch of files in other folders outside of the CONFIG folder and found too many file size differences between the files shown in the screen capture below:




In short, I elected to delete 6.9.1 from the USB stick and crossed over all the files I had originally zipped as a 6.8.3 version backup out of a concern that just crossing over the CONFIG folder was going to cause me some headaches.


So I am back to using my buggy original 6.8.3 version. It would be great if the UnRaid OS gave one the ability to take snapshots of the entire OS so that when a NEWBIE breaks something in the OS he can restore a previous snapshot that was working correctly.


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16 hours ago, slipstream said:

It would be great if the UnRaid OS gave one the ability to take snapshots of the entire OS so that when a NEWBIE breaks something in the OS he can restore a previous snapshot that was working correctly.

this is what the backup option available by clicking on the Flash drive on the Main tab does.  

It is really only the config folder that is important as all the files that are at the root of the flash drive are fixed for any given unRaid release - all user specific settings are in the config folder.

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