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vega 64 (saphire) passthrough not working

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I successfully managed to passthrough several vm´s for the last years using unraid. Now it is so much more easy than before.

Last week I passthroughed 2 gtx1660 in my server. No problems at all.

In my dad´s server I tried to passthrough a vega 64 I had laying aroud with no use. I have spent so much time but it is impossible. Before I post any diagnostics I wanted to ask if anyone is running succesfully such a gpu -as only primay gpu- passthroughed in a windows vm in 6.9.1 ?

Let´s see if I am lucky and I can find someone.

Could not find any recent posts regarding unraid and vega passthrough (logical since it is an older gpu).

So let´s see.





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