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Can't access the webui, internet is down..

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I installed the unraid application and registered my server with unraid.net. After that, the only way to get to the server was via the url [pointer].unraid.net (going to the local IP no longer is allowed). I can still SSH of course, however since my internet decided to die this afternoon, I'm left with a somewhat interesting issue.. I need to pass through a USB wifi dongle to a VM, but can't since the ui is not accessible lol..


Any ideas here?

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9 hours ago, John_M said:

In the GUI go to the Settings -> Management Access page and set the Use SSL/TLS option to "No".



I knew I forgot something else. Funny thing is, I must have looked at it when I was trying to fix it, but it was set to auto so I figured it would not use SSL if it couldn't resolve.. Thank you!

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