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No Logout in trial version

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Im new in the Unraid community and I found unraid lacks of logout at least in trial version that I am testing.

Does anyone have any idea how solve this ?


I have another question... how to set the start and the shutdown ... I can't find the way to do that.





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Unraid does not natively support sleep.  But there is a S3 sleep plugin.  But, bear in mind that Synology is in complete control of their hardware whereas Limetech is not, so support via the plugin may not always work.


After setting up the plugin to sleep under various conditions, you can usually also set up the BIOS to automatically wake up at certain times.


Or, you could also just use user scripts to power off the system at a certain time 


and then if your bios supports it power the system back on at another time

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5 minutes ago, Squid said:

Or, you could also just use user scripts to power off the system at a certain time 


and then if your bios supports it power the system back on at another time

This is how I handle my servers without using the S3 Sleep plugin.   I would have thought any modern PC will have an option in the BIOS to power on at a given time.

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I have another questions for you because I dont understand how exactly the array works in Unraid. I made a simple array between 1- samsung 30Gb pen drive as parity and 1- scan disk pen drive 15 GB as Disk 1. I removed the flash drive from the array (disk 1) and formatted it as fat in my computer and put it back trying to regenerate the array again. I formatted the pendrive (disk 1) as xfs and I expected that the parity disk would pass all the content to disk 1 but I found that there is nothing in reality the system deleted everything so the truth is that I do not understand how this works

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3 hours ago, plantyman said:

I formatted the pendrive (disk 1)

This is because the format command would have updated parity to say that the drive contains an "empty" XFS file system.


When you tried to format the drive in unRaid you would have got a warning dialog saying that a format is never part of a recovery process and any data on the drive you format will be lost and to longer recoverable.


Have you tried reading the online documentation online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI to get a better idea of what you should have done?

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4 hours ago, itimpi said:

This is because the format command would have updated parity to say that the drive contains an "empty" XFS file system.


When you tried to format the drive in unRaid you would have got a warning dialog saying that a format is never part of a recovery process and any data on the drive you format will be lost and to longer recoverable.


Have you tried reading the online documentation online documentation that can be accessed via the Manual link at the bottom of the unRaid GUI to get a better idea of what you should have done?

thanks for your reply first of all. I was reading the documentation .. but I dont understand how exactly works the parity. Yes I saw the warning about the format process and the data loss. Let's make it easier if I have 1 disk and 1 of parity isn't the parity disk supposed to rebuild the array in case disk 1 breaks? so if disk 1 is broken I need to put a new disk to rebuild the parity and this new disk must be formatted in xfs because there's no array .... and when I format this disk I lost everything. What I don't understand is ... why Unraid dont leave format only the disk 1 and later rebuild the array and ready !!! or do I need 2 disk and 1 of parity ???

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1 hour ago, plantyman said:

thanks for your reply first of all. I was reading the documentation .. but I dont understand how exactly works the parity. Yes I saw the warning about the format process and the data loss. Let's make it easier if I have 1 disk and 1 of parity isn't the parity disk supposed to rebuild the array in case disk 1 breaks? so if disk 1 is broken I need to put a new disk to rebuild the parity and this new disk must be formatted in xfs because there's no array .... and when I format this disk I lost everything. What I don't understand is ... why Unraid dont leave format only the disk 1 and later rebuild the array and ready !!! or do I need 2 disk and 1 of parity ???


Parity works at the raw sector level and has no idea what is the meaning of the bit pattern in any sector at the file system level.  In other words it has no idea what XFS even means - it just understands a disks consists of a large number of sectors.   When you do a rebuild every sector is rebuilt to its expected content so what was any sector before the rebuild is irrelevant.  That is one of the reasons a rebuild can never be used to change the file system on the drive.


when you did a format in unRaid it treats this as a series of writes to sectors just like any other write to a parity protected array.   It is therefore updating parity during the format process so that it reflects at the sector level whatever the format process writes.


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3 minutes ago, plantyman said:

ok thanks ... but when i replace a disk after failure ... once the array is rebuild the disk 1 appears like unmounted ... so how can fix that ?


what was the state of the ‘emulated’ drive before the rebuild?     A rebuild would not change that status - it would just now apply to the rebuilt dr9ve..


it might be worth providing your system’s diagnostics zip file (obtained via Tools -> Diagnostics) so we get a better idea of the current state of your system.

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