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Two full drives, adding a new drive, moving files

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Noob error.  I have two 4TB drives in the box (and 12TB parity).  Due to some bad maths my first backup I sent to it filled the drives both full.  Eeek


I now have a brand new 8TB drive to add to the UNRAID box.


Is there a simple way of spreading out the load again?  Manually moving 2TB from each of those 4TB drives onto the new 8TB drive?


Or do I just need to get down with a command line and "mv" folders from \mnt\disk1\ to \mnt\disk3\ ?


Or am I overthinking this?


I know I have a few days of preclearing to do on the 8TB drive now, giving me time to plan.


I also know I can just wipe the backup and start again, but that will take 3 days to repeat the backup.


Thoughts?  Hints?

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Thank you.  Unbalance plugin looks good.  Will dig more later once the new HDD is pre-cleared.


Already poking at mc.  Gives me flashbacks of XTree from DOS.  Looks perfect for the task.


Am I correct in my understanding that apps that run in Docker (i.e. urbackup) just see the unRAID drive as /mnt/user/ and it would be invisible to them if I manually move their data around between /mnt/disk1/ and /mnt/disk3/.  (As long as stop that app when moving data).

Edited by Batter Pudding
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52 minutes ago, Batter Pudding said:


Am I correct in my understanding that apps that run in Docker (i.e. urbackup) just see the unRAID drive as /mnt/user/ and it would be invisible to them if I manually move their data around between /mnt/disk1/ and /mnt/disk3/.  (As long as stop that app when moving data).

Depends on the mapping, but in general, yes. Which leads me to my main point. Why bother moving things? Just let the new data go to the fresh 8TB. Since the actual location is hidden behind the /mnt/user structure, why does it matter which disk number is used?

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36 minutes ago, jonathanm said:

Why bother moving things?

When I say "full" I mean the first 4TB drive is now jammed to within 20.5 KB of max, second drive is 10GB short of full.  And I have Fix Common Problems nagging me.


Also my OCD wants to see things tidy and levelled out a bit.  :D


Main excuse is it also gives me an excuse to mess around with unBalance as that looks quite a nifty tool.  I find I learn this stuff the best by giving it all a good poke with a sharp stick.  By looking into this it is letting me learn more about how neat the whole system is under the hood.

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Now I have in interesting puzzle.  That full drive is so full that UNRAID is mounting it in Read Only mode.  Which gives me a Catch-22.  I want to use the unbalance plugin to move data, but it can't move data that is stuck in read only mode.  A read only mode caused by too much data that now needs me to move it...


How do I tell UNRAID to set the drive to writable again so I can move data off of it to make space?

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I used midnight commander to move a single folder of many GBs.  Well, I copied it to disk3 and then deleted it from disk1.  Gaining those GB now seems to have the server happy again as "Common Problems" plugin is not complaining any more.


Yay!  Learning...  now to get Unbalance to actually work.  Currently it is stuck at the point of Select Disk.


I go to GATHER, dig down a few folder to find a test folder to move, hit NEXT and select the target disk... but now it just sits there and won't light up the NEXT button.  


I'll give it a bit more of a poke, or will just go back to mc.  :D 


okay - fixed that.  Unbalance is fussy about web browsers.  Only works in Firefox.

Edited by Batter Pudding
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