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(Solved) Threadripper Ram help

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System specs

ASRock X399 Taichi MB

32 Gigs ram (4x8gigs DDR4 3200 Gskill)


Threadripper 2590X


I purchased another 32gigs of ram to fill all of the slots.

When trying to se it to the correct settings of 16-18-18-38 1.35v I get a error... I set it to auto and it loaded and was fine for about 8 hours and then just froze.

Works fine with just the 4 sticks of ram and I am currently running the 2nd set of 4 sticks of ram in my gaming computer (I don't know if it's better to have 32 gigs of 3200 vs 16gigs of 3600 for gaming or not)

So I don't know if I made a mistake and should just be running 4 sticks of ram for Unraid or if I should keep trying to get all 8 sticks working.

Any advice if anyone else has run 8 sticks of ram with a Threadripper would be nice


Edited by UtahDeLorean
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Have Gigabyte Aorus X399, with 4 sticks 3000 or 8 sticks 2400 ( 4 16G DR and 4 8G SR ), set in auto work well.


In general, no matter gaming modual or not, mobo should auto setting working parameters after RAM training.


You may try lowing the freq. for trouble shoot.

Edited by Vr2Io
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10 minutes ago, UtahDeLorean said:

Auto puts the ram at like 2133

This quite common once training fail at SPD/XMP freq or predefine parameters, so I like 2400 or 2666 for high capacity build, it aslo in reasonable price.

Edited by Vr2Io
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24 minutes ago, UtahDeLorean said:

I currently have it running at 2666... I think that I will try 3200 again after a little more time...

Dont do that - @ 3200, most RAMs are overclocked and this must be avoided - use 2666 instead if stable...

And read the manual first! See what it says about full populated RAM-Slots!

Edited by Zonediver
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Your choices are really

  • [easy] run base jedec speeds (2666?)
  • [advanced] loosen timings and drop speed to 2933 or lower (there may be XMP profiles you can use)
  • [expensive] buy a known working kit

I've been using a gskill kit (F4-3200C14Q-64GVK) which uses bdie, so is able to run higher speeds more easily (stable for +3 years) on the older, more finicky 1950x.

I'm also using 4x 16GB modules, to avoid loading up the ram controller with 2 banks.

Downside is the fast bdie kits are expensive.

Edited by tjb_altf4
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7 hours ago, Zonediver said:

Dont do that - @ 3200, most RAMs are overclocked and this must be avoided - use 2666 instead if stable...

And read the manual first! See what it says about full populated RAM-Slots!

I have been running the 4 sticks at 3200 and have had no problems... I just bought the 2nd set of 4 sticks to fill up all of the ram slots (because why not right?) I use the ram for transcoding with plex. On average I have 4 to 5 transcodes going on a daily bases (It's nice to have a 1Gbps connection)


4 hours ago, tjb_altf4 said:

Your choices are really

  • [easy] run base jedec speeds (2666?)
  • [advanced] loosen timings and drop speed to 2933 or lower (there may be XMP profiles you can use)
  • [expensive] buy a known working kit

I've been using a gskill kit (F4-3200C14Q-64GVK) which uses bdie, so is able to run higher speeds more easily (stable for +3 years) on the older, more finicky 1950x.

I'm also using 4x 16GB modules, to avoid loading up the ram controller with 2 banks.

Downside is the fast bdie kits are expensive.


The XMP profile that comes up is for the 3200... I have it set on 2666 and seems to be doing fine right now... I just hate leaving that performance off of the table...

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  • UtahDeLorean changed the title to (Solved) Threadripper Ram help

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