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Problems installing Plugins in Community Apps


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Hello Guys!

Im having Problems installing plugins via the community apps tab. I uploaded a screen of the error down below. I tried a new config, i tried reinstalling Unraid and reseeding my drives. I deleted and reinstalled my docker.img and also tried a different browser(using Brave Browser rn and tried safari, google and firefox). I also reseted my Router, because idk maybe it would help, but im not getting any results.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-23 um 12.17.13.png


Edit: This is not only happening with duckdns but with every plugin.

Edited by GLP21
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Nope didnt help. the thing is on my first installation everything worked fine and since the first time i tried installing duck dns it stopped working I even tried adding and because thats the dns i had before it stopped working. Any other ideas maybe?

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Ok one thing i noticed and please take the quote"This is not only happening with duckdns but with every plugin." from me, with a grain of salt because right now i tried installing the Fix common Problems plugin made by squid and there was no error. Duck dns and nginx are plugins i tried installing and those threw errors at me. Both of them are from the linuxserver repository... maybe theres a problem with that.


Edit: Ok nvm i tried some other plugins and basically plugins that are pulling images are not working.

Edited by GLP21
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Well i thought of that but then i thought how i would check that. In a different thread i read that i should check if the server could reach github, but it seemed logical to me if it could download plugins it should be able to reach github. The Server is definetely connected to the internet, because i can download plugins and ifconfig shows packages beeing sent and recieved.

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