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Running Xpenology 6.2 on Unraid 6.9.2 in 2021


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Hey guys,


I hope that my topic is placed in the correct corner of the community. 

I had several issues setting up Xpenology as a VM (also as a docker) in my latest Unraid server. It took me some nights to figure out, which is the correct setting and the correct Version of Xpenology. It should NOT be an discussion why users want to run an virtual NAS OS on an NAS OS... 😄 But for clarification, why I decided to get it run: I love Moments and Drive and also run an DVB Stick, which works very well on Xpenology. 

it is also not another post of "how to install Xpenology". There are tons of manuals in the web. 

I hope, that my configuration will help people getting it run on their servers. 


1. To get everything you need, I am using the Xpenology Tools in Version 1.4.2.


2. Use the Template DS3617XS! All other Templates are not working (for me on Unraid!)


3. The Bootloader should be 1.03b for the DS3617XS


3.1. Set the correct MAC, that Unraid will tell you


3.2. comment out all boot options and just leave the ESX option enabled! 


4. The VM Configuration:


4.1. Use Ubuntu as default Template


4.2. Set as Machine: Q35-5.1 


4.3. Set the Bios to SeaBIOS


4.4. First HDD should be the Loader image


4.5 Second HDD should be a SATA disk. 


4.6. Save the configuration WITHOUT starting the VM. 


4.7. Go back to the edit page of the VM and switch to the XML view


4.7.1. Search the second HDD and change the Controller to 1. 


  <disk type='file' device='disk'>
      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='writeback'/>
      <source file='/mnt/user/WHATEVER/vdisk2.img' index='1'/>
      <target dev='hdd' bus='sata'/>
      <alias name='sata1-0-3'/>
      <address type='drive' controller='1' bus='0' target='0' unit='3'/>


4.7.2. Search the section for the ethernet and change the Type to "e1000-82545em"


  <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:77:db:5f'/>
      <source bridge='br0'/>
      <target dev='vnet1'/>
      <model type='e1000-82545em'/>
      <alias name='net0'/>
      <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x01' slot='0x00' function='0x0'/>

4.8. Save the configuration and start the VM. You should know be able to install the latest 6.2. DSM (For me it is "DSM_DS3617xs_23739.pat") 



It would be great, if somebody else could check this and report if it is also working for him! 


Thanks guys and take care. 


Edited by JulianB
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I followed your instructions and when I'm installing DSM_DS3617xs_23739.pat I get error "Failed to install the file. The file is probably corrupted. (13)"


Any ideas? I tried to redownload DSM_DS3617xs_23739.pat from different sources.



I found solution. I switched to DS918+ 1.04B boot image and DSM_DS918+_23739.pat

Edited by GreX
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  • 2 months later...

I got the failed to install error 13 as well. tried numerous configurations of loaders and pat files centOS vs Ubuntu. The issue was my primary vdisk bus was set to vritIO. changed to bus type USB and the install proceeded.


in the end followed the exact guide above, set primary vdisk bus to USB and used DS3615xs 1.02b with DSM_DS3615xs_15047.pat to work on my machine. 

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  • 1 month later...

I'm sorry to wake a sleeping thread, but I've been working at this for three days now and one time I was able to get the 'diskstation' found on find.synology.com, or the DS Finder android app, but like others in this thread, when trying to upload the DSM_DS3617xs_23739.pat, after using the 1.03b boot image, with a machine type of q35-2.9 (nothing else ever worked) I received the same error saying the file was corrupted. In order for it to be found, or even get an IP on my network I needed to use SATA for both the primary and secondary disks in the VM.


Then I tried the 1.04b image with intentions to use DSM_DS918+_25426.pat. I tried using the same settings, and swapped around the machine type a bunch, even tried writing the image to USB and booting the VM with that directly. I cannot for the life of me get this to work. If I need to post my settings I will do, but if anyone has any recommendations I would appreciate it so, so much. 

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Well, I've tried almost everything I can think of. Every type of VM, every type of machine (Q35-X.X), every bios, multiple different bootloaders and OS install files. I cannot for the life of me get xpenology to run on this. I even tried on my mac in vmware and still had issues.


Farthest I have gotten is installed the OS .pat file, but every time it reboots it says it needs to recover. Other times it says there was an exception. Other times it says the file is corrupt.


If anyone has any knowledge on this whatsoever I would really appreciate it. I used to have xpenology running on proxmox before running unraid and it was so useful to me that I would really like it back just for a few features. I would appreciate any suggestions so much.

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To be honest: every single VM that I run with XPenology runs into the reboot problem. Sometimes it worked very well, but after an update (or even some time later), the VM stopped working. 

On the other site: I run an XPenology on bare metal since 2 years without any problem. It is just a backup PC that stores all my files. But it is working very well. And I start the PC once a month. 


I am surprised, that you have run xpenology on proxmox without any issues. 

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@wtfcr0w Since this thread started i have been running xpenology, and only got restarted when i have restarted the whole unraid server. And when my unraid server starts the xpenology also starts without any problems at all.

I run with 1.04B bootloader and with DSM_DS918+_25426, but only that version. If i run update on the xpenology system it breaks.

I will be happy to help you out, is there something you want to know?

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone successfully been able to run DSM 7.01? I have tried and tried without success. The build supposedly happens successfully, however I'm not convinced. Yes, I can not get to the gui via the IP nor can I ping it, but I'm not convinced everything else went right up to that point.


I think that perhaps some of the "extensions" needed are not available and hence something needs changed in the XML. I have tried every single bus type and tried USB with this same result below.





The other reason I think that the image is not properly being added to the "media" is because the allocation only shows 4k.



Any ideas?

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/23/2022 at 5:32 AM, live4soccer7 said:

Yes, I can not get to the gui via the IP nor can I ping it, but I'm not convinced everything else went right up to that point.

Today I have succesfully migrated my testing DSM VM from 6.2 to 7.0.
Run shell on unraid, and run serial console on VM with DSM7

virsh console VM_NAME

you should see xpenology shell, You probably could log in using Your administrator account.
Check /var/log/synoupdate.log, is there any errors?

Check network configuration, is there any ip assigned?

For me e1000e doesn't work properly, it was flapping up and down.
I have added e1000 extension, and set e1000 virtual network card. (what I can see with e1000 down/up speed in GUI is looking properly, but with e1000e and DSM6.2 it shows not possible very high speed for download and upload)
Next thing that was not good in my config was usb device model. When I set it to 'qemu-xhci', everything goes very well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

step by step  for DS3622xs+ DSM 7.1 in Unraid

redpill loader



1. go to: https://github.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill

1.1. download: tinycore-redpill.v0.4.6.img.gz

1.2 download:

2. The VM Configuration:

2.1. Use Linux as default Template

2.2. Set as Machine: Q35-6.2 

2.3. Set the Bios to SeaBIOS

2.4. First HDD Loader image as SATA disk

2.5. Second HDD  as SATA disk. 

2.6. Set the Network Model: vmxnet3

2.7. Save the configuration  

3. start VM

3.1 start VNC remote from VM

3.2 terminal in VNC : ifconfig. read IP to use in putty

3.3 start putty.  use IP from terminal. user: tc pass: P@ssw0rd


4.  sudo ./rploader.sh update now

4.1 sudo ./rploader.sh fullupgrade now

4.2 sudo ./rploader.sh clean now 

4.3 sudo ./rploader.sh build broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218  

4.4 sudo ./rploader.sh clean now

4.5 sudo ./rploader.sh download broadwellnk-7.1.0-42661

4.6 sudo ./rploader.sh serialgen DS3622xs+ now

4.7 save mac adr from serialgen

4.8 sudo ./rploader.sh satamap now

4.9 sudo ./rploader.sh backup now

4.10 sudo ./rploader.sh build broadwellnk-7.1.0-42661

4.11 stop VM

5.  edit VM

5.1 replace mac from serialgen (4.6) 

5.2 start VM

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4 hours ago, baby0nboardInSg said:

may i ask, if the disk 1 and disk2 will be the "array drives" for the xpenology? 

i'm new to this and wanted to explore, is there a way to mix the unraid shares with the xpenology VM? 

Only disk 2 you can use in DSM.

Disk 1 is boot drive and hidden for DSM.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,

first many thanks to JulianB for the tutorial! 

Sorry for my English 🙂

maybe an important point to the tutorial:

I was able to install Synology 1.02b DS3615xs, 6.1. DSM_DS3615xs_15284.pat, because my system probably works with an Intel Core processor, Synology 3617xs works with a Xeon processor. 

Edited by dyVinter
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  • 3 weeks later...


On 4/18/2022 at 1:39 PM, adam0 said:

step by step  for DS3622xs+ DSM 7.1 in Unraid

redpill loader



1. go to: https://github.com/pocopico/tinycore-redpill

1.1. download: tinycore-redpill.v0.4.6.img.gz

1.2 download:

2. The VM Configuration:

2.1. Use Linux as default Template

2.2. Set as Machine: Q35-6.2 

2.3. Set the Bios to SeaBIOS

2.4. First HDD Loader image as SATA disk

2.5. Second HDD  as SATA disk. 

2.6. Set the Network Model: vmxnet3

2.7. Save the configuration  

3. start VM

3.1 start VNC remote from VM

3.2 terminal in VNC : ifconfig. read IP to use in putty

3.3 start putty.  use IP from terminal. user: tc pass: P@ssw0rd


4.  sudo ./rploader.sh update now

4.1 sudo ./rploader.sh fullupgrade now

4.2 sudo ./rploader.sh clean now 

4.3 sudo ./rploader.sh build broadwellnk-7.0.1-42218  

4.4 sudo ./rploader.sh clean now

4.5 sudo ./rploader.sh download broadwellnk-7.1.0-42661

4.6 sudo ./rploader.sh serialgen DS3622xs+ now

4.7 save mac adr from serialgen

4.8 sudo ./rploader.sh satamap now

4.9 sudo ./rploader.sh backup now

4.10 sudo ./rploader.sh build broadwellnk-7.1.0-42661

4.11 stop VM

5.  edit VM

5.1 replace mac from serialgen (4.6) 

5.2 start VM

Thanks for your help, but i am having one doubt.
Where its user the DSM image on your tutorial?



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