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Intermittent disk issues


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Hi Jorge, I think you've helped me out in the past so thank you again!


The add-on controller is definitely going to be the way to go for me at this point if my issue is the onboard SATA controller again.


I don't want to get off topic but I have a few questions if you don't mind me posting them here.


-Currently I'm using 6 SATA ports on my MOBO, 1 optical, 2 SSD (cache) and 3 HDD. Should I be looking to move all SATA devices to the add-on controller or just HDDs?


-I've looked at the Unraid Hardware Compatibility doc quick and newegg but any recommendations on where to start researching SATA and or SAS controllers? I'm not looking for anyone else to do the work for me just any head start is appreciated.



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21 minutes ago, SoCold said:

-Currently I'm using 6 SATA ports on my MOBO, 1 optical, 2 SSD (cache) and 3 HDD. Should I be looking to move all SATA devices to the add-on controller or just HDDs?

Optical could be OK, but the other ones should all be moved.


22 minutes ago, SoCold said:

-I've looked at the Unraid Hardware Compatibility doc quick and newegg but any recommendations on where to start researching SATA and or SAS controllers? I'm not looking for anyone else to do the work for me just any head start is appreciated.


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I went ahead and got an LSI 9300-8i to have a little extra room for future expansion.


I installed the card yesterday was able to get all 5 drives detected but not the optical.


This morning I woke up to disc errors again. I planned to follow your guide and upgrade the firmware, everything seemed to work but when I check it I still see the old rev number.


Firmware always shows "" even after flashing.


I'm thinking of disconnect all of my discs and reconnecting them via MOBO SATA and then flashing the card with nothing connected to it?



Edited by SoCold
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I tried again today in safe mode and was able to complete the firmware update and confirm the new revision. Everything followed your guide, same card, same revisions so thank you for that.

In theory now I should be able to connect the optical drive to the HBA and everything “should” be good? I’m still getting up to speed on HBAs and I want to make sure I’m not doing anything incorrect or that will never work. What I’ve found so far on supported devices for the 9300-8i isn’t the clearest.

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You shouldn't have to check. You must setup Notifications to alert you immediately by email or other agent as soon as a problem is detected.

I do, my phone went off immediately. I get messaged via telegram and love that feature. I hadn’t gone back and put eyes on fox common problems since I rebuilt the disc after installing the HBA.
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Disk1 disabled, but SMART for it looks OK. It hasn't had an extended test run in nearly a year though. Emulated disk1 is mounted.
Still looks like a controller problem.

By controller problem would that be the HBA I just installed? My previous issues were with my onboard SATA but I went with the LSI to avoid using the onboard SATA controller all together.

I have a spare drive in there so I’m good with running any extended test I need to.
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Sep 15 18:55:29 Elliot kernel: sd 10:0:3:0: Power-on or device reset occurred

This is usually a power/connection problem.

Ok, I can check my power cables and may just preemptively replace them.

Should I still be concerned with the controller? Is my MOBO the core issue here and I’m going to keep running into issues until I replace that?
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10 minutes ago, SoCold said:

I can check my power cables and may just preemptively replace them.

If you have a modular PSU, be very sure you only use cables specifically for that model. There is no standard pinout for modular power supplies and people have fried disks by trying to use cables that don't go with their modular PSU.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I swapped out my SATA power cables yesterday for all new ones. rebuilt the disabled drive and crossed my fingers. Woke up this morning to a notification for disk read errors. The drive is still enabled but I made it less than 24hrs with the drive in service.


I can see the errors in the log but I don't seen anything else suspicious around that time. It did happen right at 2am but I don't think I have anything scheduled for them so maybe just a coincidence.


Diagnostics attached.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to give a brief update (and hopefully closure) for this thread.


I have replaced my SATA power cables and followed the guide on Ironwolf disk errors. Knock on wood I haven't had issues for a bit. I'll put all 3 disks in the array soon and that will be a better test but I appreciate the help working through this.

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