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Cache drive failure and all dockers and vm's broken


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It appears my cache drive failed as the drive is in an unmountable: not mounted state. Non of my VM's can boot, the dockers look like they are starting new. I was under the impression the cache drive was a drive to allow data moves faster and that there is a copy of the files on the data drives. I looked in /mnt/user0, but the missing files for the VM are not there. All the shares that say prefer:cache, has the folders on the data drive, but no files. I am waiting for a rebuild to finish to be able to try to remount the cache drive to see if i can move the files over if the drive is readable. Not sure what I did wrong. The server did take a hard down due to a power outage, but did not think i would loose the data. UnRaid is reporting the drive as good. Any thoughts on what to try next would be appreciated.


UnRaid 6.9.2

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1 hour ago, DigiDigs said:

I was under the impression the cache drive was a drive to allow data moves faster and that there is a copy of the files on the data drives

This is an invalid assumption unless as by default a file exists either on the array or on a pool (cache).  You can get the scenario where a file initially created on the cache, and later moved to the array (and removed from the cache) which could be where some confusion arose?  If you want a copy on both then you need something to create the backup copy.  There are plugins targeting backing up docker containers data and VMs.

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