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Looking for Docker for notes app - WizNote?


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Hello all,

I'm currently using Joplin for my notes, but I'm not really happy with it, as I find it very impractical to write in Markdown on my smartphone.

Before that, I used Note Station on a Synolgoy DiskStation. But that wasn't the best either, because I was always logged out on the PC.

During my search for a Joplin alternative, which is similar to the Synology Note Station, I came across WizNote (https://hub.docker.com/r/wiznote/wizserver).
Does anyone of you know it, or do you use it?
Or does anyone know a better alternative?
I would be very happy about opinions and suggestions 🙂

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Thank you for the recommendation. But as far as I understand it, the app is just a website for PC.
I would prefer a note app that works on Windows, macOS and iOS. Preferably also offline, in case there is no internet connection.
I can only think of Joplin. Then I just came across WizNote. But I'm not sure how trustworthy the app is. Even if I host it myself.
WizNote doesn't seem to be very widespread either, does it? Can' find much on the internet.

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  • 1 month later...

I am also looking to migrate from DSNote (Running on a VM on Unraid (Just for this and Photo station)

So my goal is to find replacements and ditch the VM


I actually found your post by searching for Joplin!


Question is it correct that in order to run the Joplin server you need to first setup a Postgres Database docker?

For such a small note app I find it strange that it would need a separate DB?


I want a solution that synch across PC/IOS/WEBPAGE and with support for saving webpages to the note app

So far it seems that Joplin crosses all the boxes, but I haven't tested it yet 

Edited by casperse
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I also understood that you have to set up a Postgres Docker first. However, I have not yet managed to get the Joplin server up and running.
I can get the Postgres Docker set up and the log shows that it is running, but I can't access it.


Joplin only has Markdown on iOS. I find Markdown very impractical on mobile.
I don't quite understand why Joplin is recommended everywhere. Unfortunately, I can't get excited about it.


I currently use UpNote. Unfortunately, I can't host it myself. It's quite a thorn in my side, but at least the app is fun and available for all major platforms.

If you find an app that has a real editor and can be self-hosted, I would be happy if you could let me know. I have not been able to find anything.

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Hi everybody!


I am currently trying to get Joplin server up and running on my Unraid server. The problem isn't the seperate portgresDB oder the Joplin server itself, but the reverse proxy configuration (I use swag as nginx reverse proxy).


If I set my unraid server IP as BASE_URL of joplin server, I can access http://UNRAIDIP:22300/login an everything works as expected. As soon as I change the BASE_URL to https://joplin.domain.com and add an proxy-conf for joplin server, I get an error like invalid origin. Anybody got this up and running behind a reverse proxy?


Thanks in advance and have a nice day!


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