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Server Random Restarts


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My server apparently keeps restarting. I wasn't aware it was doing it I was only alerted to it when I posted in here asking about random Parity Checks and someone pointed out they were being caused by the server coming back online after unclean shutdowns.


How might I go about getting to the bottom of what's causing the restarts as hardware issues isn't really my area of expertise. 




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First, look at the possibility that something or someone is pushing the reboot button.  (Those LED lights are attractive to several household pets and small children.)


Power Supplies have been the cause in several cases.  This is usually a quick thing to check out.  See if you either have a spare PS or can borrow one from a friend or merchant with a liberal return policy. 


You can also check the fans and case to make sure that all fans are running and clean the dust and dirt out.  (Do this in a garage or outside as it will make a real mess if you do it inside the house.)


Motherboards are another candidate but that is something you want to do only after you have exhausted all other possibilities.  

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I shall have a look into it thank you. 


The PSU is only a few months old as is the case, however the mobo has been repurposed twice now and is about 8 years old so might be a good candidate unfortunatly. 


But you bet I'm going to try all the other things first. 

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I actually upgraded a PS and it went bad with thirty days of receipt.  (Basically, it was causing reboots of the server.)  So just don't think because it is new that is will not fail.  For more information of this, Google    bathtub failure curve 


Infant mortality in Electronic Systems is a very real thing.   Back in the 1990's, all PC's were burned in for 72 hours before they were shipped to the customer!

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13 minutes ago, Frank1940 said:


Infant mortality in Electronic Systems is a very real thing.  

QC is too expensive, cheaper to just ship everything and let <deity> sort it out.


You want QC? Pay a local vendor to thoroughly test the part before you buy it. Be prepared to double or more the cost on most items though, since qualified technician time is not cheap.


Once upon a time profit margins in some tech fields were sufficient to cover real QC, but not any more.

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