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Can you switch between 2 houses with 1 license as long as both not at the same time?

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Can you switch between 2 houses with 1 license as long as both not at the same time? 


I have my normal house and a vacation house and both could benefit from Unraid server. I was hoping to get 1 license and bring it with me as I travel back and forth. 


Is such a thing possible as long as they are not both activate at the same time? 



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Since all user/ specific settings are kept in the config folder on the flash drive then you could keep a copy for each site on the flash drive and then when you switch sites copy the one for the new site overwriting the live 'config' folder.   Since each site will have different drive configurations (I assume) there is not much chance of an error as with the wrong configuration you will not be able to start the array.


The one thing you will need to remember is that if you make any configuration changes at either site to then redo the copy of the config folder for that site.

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My take... You can do this as described above, but personally I would not do this if I could avoid it.  The reason?  One of the biggest causes of data loss, whether with Unraid or any other storage system, is human error.  Unless you are disciplined in your management of the configuration files on the USB stick, you will at some point make a mistake.  And while the server would not start with all the drives in the system not matching the currently active configuration, as soon as you need to do some other maintenance such as replacing a drive or upgrading capacity, there is perhaps another opportunity for things to go wrong. 


Another consideration is how often you might want to switch between the two servers.  At some point it may just be simpler to have two licenses.


You can try it and see how you get on, but I would recommend getting a separate license for the second machine in the longer term.    

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