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HELP - My Toddler just pulled 6 drives out of my server. Some parity, some not. I'm panicking.

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So I was driving home and started getting error emails that disks were disappearing. To my horror, my wife informed me that our toddler got into my office and disconnected 6 of the harddrives from my rackmount server. My wife caught him in the act and replugged them (they were not totally pulled from the enclosure so they are all in the original bays). All bays are hotswap and the drives are showing up in GUI as Unassigned Devices. 3 of the disks are part of the single parity protected array. One of these 3 is the parity disk itself. The other 3 are part of a separate cache pool of disks that is not parity protected. I'm still getting tons of continuous error emails as well. 


Am I totally f'ed? I can't even rebuild from parity because one of the disks is a parity disk and regardless, there are 2 other disks in the array that got pulled. Is there a way to just say "hey unraid, my bad, disks are here, they are fine, sorry"? Help



Edited by CorserMoon
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5 minutes ago, Shazster said:

Pheeew!!!. Good to hear. I couldn't help but forward the subject title to one of my friends who is a sysadmin professionally and father of three. He seemed quite impressed yours skipped the power button pressing phase entirely and went straight for drive yanking.

Yeah, I'm now in the process of looking into getting a locking cabinet...

Edited by CorserMoon
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