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Open Question on The Steps Used to Reroll Unraid After Discovering Initial User Shares were Counterproductive.


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I  have  created inefficient and  duplicated  paths on user shares  locations.   My appdata share exists on two of the cache pools and on the array.  One of a few error items I have to correct.  Help!!   What are some of the actions I can take to correct these errors?  Any procedure to follow to delete appdata share and recreating new appdata?  Just need some help with the logic of correcting shares and redefining them etc. .  At this point if there is a easy way to start over to the step;  share defining process on unraid.      

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User shares are just a combined view of same name root folders on all the array disks and pools.


You can enable disk shares and move the appropriate root folders to the disks or pools you want.


When working with the disks and pools directly, do NOT use the user share paths, as they are simply a different named path for the same files, and mixing the synthetic user shares and the direct disk paths in file operations can result in data loss.

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Read this thread and make sure you understand it.  The first post describes what can happen if you are not careful!



EDIT: A lot of the thread discusses changes to Unraid to prevent the potential data loss.  In the end, it was decided not to incorporate these changes as they introduced more problems than they solved.  What was done to remove the default export of disk shares and make it an option that the Unraid user could do at their risk. 

Edited by Frank1940
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