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Issues with updating Dockers - Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)

Go to solution Solved by Squid,

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Hi Guys,
since a few days I have the issue when updating my docker containers.

I seems that the docker can't be stopped during the update and then the update fails. With something like that:

"Server error - can not remove image"

After the failed update when I try to start the containers it's giving me:

"Image can not be deleted, in use by other container(s)"


I did not had this in the past and it started 3 days ago and since then I've deleted the Docker directory (which I use instead of the image) and reinstalled the containers several times as this issue comes back again an again. Not with every update and not all the time with the same containers.


Any idea where this could come from and whats broken?

I'm currently on RC2


Edited by gilladur
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Hi Squid, you mean two times the same container?

No - I have just one instance of each container.
I seems that it is also not limited to a specific container.

It first happened with Prostgres 14 then I deleted the Docker directory and reinstalled everything

Then same issue with Minecraft and the next time with tvheadend and Photoprism.


What I noticed, is that after installing all previous Dockers Postgres seems to be recognized as not installed, even that I've installed it and it's working.
Don't know if this is related?



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Do you think it's coming from my Ram-Disk - I'm using this now for at least a few months and never had this issue?
I can disable it, but I think it's not the root cause.
It's taken from this post: Ram-Disk

Anyway I've removed the code from the Go-File and there is no Ram-Disk therefore - let's see.

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On 1/7/2022 at 3:24 PM, Squid said:

OTOH, revert the changes you made that were in some thread that put the logs to RAM

Jan  7 14:30:01 KingServer docker: RAM-Disk synced

and if that solves it ask about it in the relevant thread.

It seems to be that this was the issue - I'll will ask as you mentioned in the corresponding thread (did not had the time yet and wanted to be sure that the issue is gone).
Thank you for your help!

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