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extending time to timeout on terminal

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Firstly, I'm unsure if my description is correct.  If not, please correct me.  Second, I'm definitely still learning my way through UR and the Linux platform as a whole, so bare with my ignorance.  I hope this isn't obvious, but I promise I have done some searching.  Here's my issue:


Recently I found that I had an issue with hardlinks in my "arr" suite and instead of actually creating a hardlink they were making copies.  So some portion of my current media library (but not all) have renamed duplicates on my media share.  I'm trying to use jdupes via the fantastic NerdTools docker plugin to identify which items have duplicates because I don't remember what files I carried over from my old server.  I know I could sort manually, but that's annoying and error prone so I would prefer to at least start with jdupes.  My issue is that because of the size of the existing share, and the number of files, my terminal seems to time out (i.e. prompts with the "Press ___ to Reconnect" message) before 'jdupes -M -r /my/share/name' finishes running.


So a few questions:

  1. When this happens, is my previous command technically still running?  I think no, because my CPU usage drops back to idle vs. the slight bump during the scan.  Can anyone confirm one way or another?
  2. Is there a way to disable this terminal behavior, ideally just temporarily?  Right now my only way is to sit at my keyboard, occasionally moving the mouse and clicking something, until it finishes (which really sucks).

Appreciate any guidance!

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Personally, I consider the "Terminal" button to be used for a quick command here and there.


But, are you sure that it's not your desktop that's going to sleep and dropping the network connection?  


For actually using the command line, I'd recommend installing Putty on your desktop


To keep connections "alive", you would need to also run the commands through "screen" 

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by "through 'screen'" do you mean with a monitor connected to the server?  Totally get that terminal is normally for faster tasks, this one is definitely atypical.  If all goes to plan I hope I don't have to do this very often, I can blame my own ignorance for this one... 


I'm not certain that it's not my desktop, but I didn't think so.  I'll turn off any sleep stuff and see what happens though!

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