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Fix Common Problems- weird pool cache errors

Go to solution Solved by Squid,

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So yesterday with the high winds we had a powercut for about 15 minutes - when power was restored and I rebooted my server I got the notifications shown in the attachment.


I call them weird because I haven't changed anything for months:  I haven't renamed a pool as far as either appdata or system shares are concerned. I have 2 cache SSDs called cache_standard and cache_vms with the latter being used for VM related stuff - isos, domains etc. Been that way for well over a year.


Re the domains share it's possible that there maybe some files/folders VM related stuff I did over 18 months ago, but that begs the question why this hasn't been flagged up since?


Obviously I suspect the power outage has messed something up and I'm wondering what to do about it? Apart from these alerts in Fix Common Problems everything seems to be working as normal. I rarely boot up the sole Windows 10 VM I have installed, as this is only a 4-core CPU and it's got its work cut out to keep up with media server duties.


I am a novice with regard to the CLI but perfectly willing to learn if someone can walk me through what to do.

Thank you


PS Yes I have a UPS arriving tomorrow! 

Screenshot 2022-01-29 at 12.25.06.png

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So, I looked at the appdata share

# Share exists on disk1,disk2,disk3,cache_standard


And these are your cache pools

Jan 29 12:14:35 SINGTHESIS-NAS emhttpd: shcmd (43): mount -t btrfs -o noatime,space_cache=v2 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/cache_standard
Jan 29 12:14:35 SINGTHESIS-NAS emhttpd: shcmd (45): mount -t btrfs -o noatime,space_cache=v2 /dev/sdc1 /mnt/cache_vms


Net result here is that any new files for appdata are being written to the array because the "cache" pool does not exist at all.  Once you change the settings to properly reflect which cache you want to actually use, disable all the services in settings and run mover.  After it's done re-enable the services and you should be good to go.

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Hi Squid - what I don't understand is I haven't changed anything - When I look at the attached screenshots, User Shares shows that this mysterious 'Cache' is assigned to appdata and system,




but when I select those shares they both show themselves to have been assigned to cache_standard as shown below:






That's how it's been for as long as I can remember - the cache_standard ssd having been there since I first installed unraid - I added the cache_vms drive a year or more ago. It might be that when I added the cache_vms drive I renamed the original cache to cache_standard - I don't remember. Either way though, nothing has changed for months as I recall, and until the power cut the server had been up with no errors from FIx Common Problems for a couple of months. Does a bad shutdown maybe cause the system to do a deeper level of self-check ? i.e. that might reveal something I messed up months ago?


Anyway, by 'disable all the services" does that mean turn docker off? Not running any VMs  . . .  anything else to disable? And once off - given the share settings that have always been in place for appdata and system, I should just run mover?


Thanks very much for your help!


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Both your shares screenshot and the diagnostics show that the system isn't what the individual shares may say.  (They may be showing that because there is no "cache" drive and that's what it's defaulting to).  Make a change (any change) and revert it then apply and the continue with my directions.


And yes by disable all services I mean to disable the docker service, disable the VM service in settings, not just stop the individual apps.  appdata for sure contains files on the array due to how this was working for you and it is going to significantly affect your performance.

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Hi Squid - thanks to your instructions no more errors re appdata and system, but the process doesn't seem to have done anything for the domains error - I tried switching the cache, running the mover and then switching back and running the mover again. But it still says 


"Share domains set to use pool cache_vms, but files / folders exist on the cache_standard pool"


However when I look at the /mnt/cache_standard/domains folder contents it says it contains 0 objects: 0 directories, 0 files (0 B total)

The three vdisk1.img containing folders for Windows XP, 7 and 10 are all on cache_vms 


What do you suggest please?


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