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Re-enabling disabled disk

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A while back my disk 2 took a few UDMA CRC errors and disabled. It appears to be cable related. I have replaced the cable now but I'm having issues re-enabling the disk.

I stopped the array and started it without the problem disk. Then added it back in and restarted the array. However, instead of prompting for a data-rebuild, it prompted to clear the disk. Which is fine, if it needs to do that before a data-rebuild. I'm just concerned I've lost the 10tb of data that was on the disk. If Unraid won't prompt a data rebuild after the clear is done, I think I'm screwed.

I rebuilt this drive a couple months ago when the errors first happened, but when they happened again and the drive re-disabled, I decided to leave it disabled until I could afford the replacement parts.

After getting the new parts installed I did exactly what I did last time. I wiped the drive, cleared the config preserving all assignments, added the drive back. Started array. Stopped array. Removed the drive, started then stopped the array again. Added the drive back, started array. Last time this is when it kicked off the data rebuild. This time it prompted to clear the disk instead.

Any insights? I appreciate any assistance!

Edited by DeathByDentures
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1 hour ago, DeathByDentures said:

cleared the config preserving all assignment

What do you mean by this?   There is no such step in the normal process for rebuilding a disabled drive.


1 hour ago, DeathByDentures said:

it prompted to clear the disk

This is what happens when Unraid thinks you are adding a new drive to a parity protected array, and not when a rebuild is being done. 


I suspect you may have lost the contents of the drive, but if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file we might be able to work out what really happened and the best way forward.

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5 hours ago, itimpi said:

What do you mean by this?   There is no such step in the normal process for rebuilding a disabled drive.


This is what happens when Unraid thinks you are adding a new drive to a parity protected array, and not when a rebuild is being done. 


I suspect you may have lost the contents of the drive, but if you post your system’s diagnostics zip file we might be able to work out what really happened and the best way forward.


I could've sworn I cleared the config last time. Seems like I fucked up. I'm starting to find missing data now.


Either way, here's the diagnostics.


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6 hours ago, JonathanM said:

Because you told Unraid to discard the old parity data and start fresh with a new config.

Ok but there's NO way to undo that, even though I still have all the data?

Flashdrive backup restoration or anything? Nothing can undo that?

I still have the data on the drives. Can I not restore from a previous backup to restore that config and redo? That seems like something that should be possible.

Edited by DeathByDentures
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