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Setting up User permission for sub folder under a share

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Hello Everyone,


First time UnRaid user here. Followed a lot of video tutorials and received a lot of feedback on facebook groups and reddit.

With all of this i was able to get my server fully up and running. However there is but 1 thing i can't fully figure out.

I have 3 users, User1, User2, User3
I've created the following fileshare \alldata
Within alldata i have subfolder for each user.





I want to set up permission that user1 has access to everything, however user2 only has acchess to \alldata\user2 and user3 will only have access to \alldata\user3

I probably need to work with UID, I'm using WinSCP to do this, but under group and owner i only have Root [0] and users [100]

I've already created user1/2/3 in UnRaid

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You should give each user their own share. "alldata" shares aren't really a good idea in most situations because everything in the share would have the same settings, not only permissions but whether and how to use cache, allocation method, split level, included disks...


Take a look at the settings for a user share and you will see a lot of flexibility. It usually makes sense for different sets of files to have different settings.

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