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Wanted: Hitachi 2TB 5K3000 GREENIES Bulk Pack


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Good luck.  I was trying to help a guy order 300 3 TB drives from Newegg (he is outside the US, so he needed someone inside the US to broker the deal).  You would think with that kind of bulk Newegg would cut him a deal...nope.  They wouldn't let the drives go for any less than $129.99 each, which is their normal sale price.

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Good luck.  I was trying to help a guy order 300 3 TB drives from Newegg (he is outside the US, so he needed someone inside the US to broker the deal).  You would think with that kind of bulk Newegg would cut him a deal...nope.  They wouldn't let the drives go for any less than $129.99 each, which is their normal sale price.


WOW thats crazy. Guess they have no interest and sell that many easy to consumers.... Need to find a distributer to open an account with.

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If purchasing 300 drives, you'd likely be better off purchasing from a distributor.  I was a WD (as in Warehouse Distributor) for many manufacturers when I owned a niche business years ago and had a dealer wanted 300 of something, I wouldn't have scoffed/hesitated to offer them a deep discount, even $1 more than my cost would have gone a good long way in having 300 of that something contribute to my quantities sold -- which is precisely what any distributor NEEDS to do to keep their distributor status (i.e. all about the numbers, as in number of items from a manufacturer sold).




In fact, I'm not certain of the "group buy" rules on this forum, but, fair to say that if someone with a business license approached one of those distributors with a strong interest (i.e. 1000+ drives), I'm fairly certain a good discount could be had.  Though, if one were to be run, the organizer would need to realize the amount of work involved in group buys and set at fairly high minimum (i.e. 20 drives) to make it worthwhile in the very least.  Otherwise, the amount of additional packaging supplies (ESD bags, bubble wrap and boxes) would quickly erode any discounts with a quickness.


And no, this isn't an implication that I'd be interested in such a venture -- I've had my share of group buys and they are an absolute bear to run.


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