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does plex slow down docker tab and create ? icons

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i know i asked before for my 1 server... but i noticing it again on another server  my sister has 

5 docker apps  only one running is plex...    docker takes 1 min or so or so to load.. and it gets ?


is plex the cause of this  as i have same issues on my own server


i personaly think  something wrong maybe plex does something?  i also asked but no one ever answered...  should Plex Appdata go on its own SSD  away from the appdata for other apps

and i having troubles  "stopping the plex container too"  just spins but doenst actually shut down..


does the diagnostics say why its slow?  



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or is it all on internet based?  or what tweaks tips can tweak unraid to run smoothly  so i dont get docker issues  as unraid isnt always connected to internet either


as if i turn off my all internet  like netflix  and her tv stuff..  on her 5mb/s     unraid  docker is faster  and the icons are are normal



so my question is..  is docker and the icons only  internet based... and if you dont have internet  then it cause's issue  for  loading the docker page  and icon issues and just seems super slow


Edited by comet424
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The reason for the question marks (and the slow loading) is that the docker and dashboard pages when loading and gathering the information for the various apps attempt to download the icons for them.  Once it succeeds, they are stored within the docker image and never downloaded again.  Your system is failing to download them


I'd suggest trying to set a static DNS address of and within Settings - Network settings as your server / router is having issues resolving the URLs

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what information..... so then  when i cut the internet then   docker  will always be slow then.. cuz it cant gather internet info..


as i found  if i bog the internet down..  docker takes more then a minute every time...   but as soon as i unbog the internet  it goes fast...


but when i re bog the internet.. and click docker  its back to slowness


and you said ?  goes away once its downloaded and stored never downloaded again.. that cant be true


those above apps were installed 9 months ago or longer..  so if its stored  it should never  ?  show up


what i found is 


internet bog down..  click  docker   takes more then a minute  and ?  shows up

unbig the internet  click docker   takes a few seconds and the ? are gone

rebog the internet  click docker  takes  more then a minute  and the ?  are back...  

they didnt save ..


and now the 1 app says 9 months ago and other onese say it was created 19 hours ago.. so i totally confused


well i dont think the dns address will work

my sister uses netflix  it bogs down  5mbps internet   so thats what 500k...  so internet is maxed full and impossible to use unraide to update.. you gotta stop the internet


5 megabit internet isnt fast.. and boggs down so much that google or unraid forums  webpages constantly get  page cant found.. as i have the same internet  5 megabit   download and 500k  upload..  so using a netflix or a youtube  causes issues ..  but ill try the dns  but it probably wont work when 100% of internet goes to a netflix and unraid times out and so does any webpages


but its just frustrating  with the docker  cuz im sitting there waiting and waiting   wish i could just disable docker to ever gather any info

so its always fast.. when internet is not there or bogged down 100%


cuz my own unraid always bogged down


and to reply to you here.. i have to always constantly stop video  or netflix  just to reply to unraid forums  but wish docker would just not gather info when you have terrible speed internet


i need docker to work fast  with 100% internet ussage used so 0% to unraid..   or when 0 internet is offered  is it possible?

Edited by comet424
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