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Unassigned devices SMB share syslog errors

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Hello everyone, 

I recently have added a smb share to my unraid server via the unassigned devices plugin for backup purposes. I have noticed in the web ui that my smb share sometimes disconnects and shows size oB and used 0B. (Shown bellow)



Upon further investigation I noticed that I am receiving alot of errors in the syslog and it seems to have to do with a shell code execution. I have tried to look up what this error is but I am still unsure what is causing this. The error can be seen bellow.


Mar 21 10:52:23 Scarif unassigned.devices: Error: shell_exec(/bin/df '/mnt/remotes/KASHYYYK_Delta' --output=size,used,avail | /bin/grep -v '1K-blocks' 2>/dev/null) took longer than 5s! 


If anyone could give me some clarity into what is causing this error it would be greatly appreciated. I have also attached my diagnostic file to give better insight as well.

Thank you and have a great day!


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