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Unraid Stable Until reboot/restart, then "may" fail to boot


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My unraid server has been having many issues whenever a reboot is performed. I put in a LSI SAS 9300-8i in Mar 2021 to replace an older card that was suspest of failing due to erratic read/write speeds , anytime i power cycle my system, theres a good chance that something goes wrong, like not reaching post and stuck at the blinking cursor, other times its bios fault 10h encountered at adapter pcI(01h,00h,00h) which is the lsi card slot, other times itll be the that lsi card is recognized and boot to gui but all array drives are missing but cache/flash are online. Simply rebooting my system, sometimes several times if needed, until it doesnt encounter any of these errors, I will be able to start array, and it will run without any issue for weeks/months.


I put up my diagnostics and and the last 2 months of syslogs captured whenver a reboot is done to try and get as much info about whats been going on, syslogs saved on usb go back several years, but not sure if thats helpful. Can anyone take a peek and provide any advice? Im hoping its simple like a bad usb drive? Most of my configuartion has been replaced at somepoint since put together in 2015, including disks, controller card, every cable for all drives, water cooler was added and psu replaced. most of which has been in the last 1-2 years.

What hasnt been replaced is the cpu/motherboard/ram. And its on 24/7 for the most part for the last 7 years.


Thanks in advance for the help again!



logs.rar unraid-diagnostics-20220321-1947.zip

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Couple other things that are happening now:


Server no longer accessible by https://unraid/

It instead returns a white page with an error 404 Not Found - nginx

Using http://unraid/ does work and looks to be using ssl too. Using static ip instead of hostname doesnt help.

After starting successfully starting array, Array while change on the Main tab to say Array Stopped - Stale Configuration

Dockers are still running and usable, and shares are available however...






another diag






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  • 3 months later...

So for several months I dodged this issues by moving my lsi card to another pci slot that wasnt x16, i wanted to tackle it again and worked on it a bit this week, i found that I was able to stop my bios from hanging and not posting by deleting the LSI bios rom on my card, leaving just the IT firmware on it. So i no longer need to worry about it hanging if i reboot it remotly.


However I still struggling with my lsi card and booting with my disks are still 50/50. I believe it has to do with my bios setting pcie gen set to auto. My card is in the top pcie slot which is def x16. But it never shows after boot that my link speed is ever at pcie3, its always at pcie1. If i go and mess with the bios and try to manual set the pcie speed to gen 3, my disks never boot. If i leave it to auto it will usually boot without disks the first time, im guessing cause it tried to do pcie3, and if i reboot without touching the bios, it boots with the disks in pcie1. Right now i figured that i can manually set the pcie2 in the bios and it seems to come up with my drives. 





I have both parity and every array disk on the controller, and my ssd/caches using the onboard sata ahci controller. Btw the cache drives boot 100% every time. 


I have run out of ides though, do i have a hardware issues or is this a bios setting i seem to be overlooking? I have reset to default and it hasnt helped. I will attach some diag, one will be when the drives failed to boot and the other when the drives do boot. If anyone could take a look I would appreciate it!









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I was considering that too because of all the issues in have had with it. But I always was able to get it booting again at the end of the day and usually when it gets running I have 0 issues. Any chance it could be a power issue? I really don't know how much a hard disk consumes on a power scale.

I don't know if I paid attention to how I was drawing power from the cables. Can 8 drives on the same port from the psu draw enough power to cause any issues?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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12 hours ago, Acps said:

I don't know if I paid attention to how I was drawing power from the cables. Can 8 drives on the same port from the psu draw enough power to cause any issues?

If this is via splitters then it can definitely cause issues as you can end up under load trying to draw more current than can stably be delivered over a single cable.     If you are using splitters the molex->SATA seem to be less problematic.

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If this is via splitters then it can definitely cause issues as you can end up under load trying to draw more current than can stably be delivered over a single cable.     If you are using splitters the molex->SATA seem to be less problematic.

I am most certainly did something like that not thinking it would be an issue. I just put a new psu to replace the smaller one last year. This is what I got:


And I have tons of cables for the mods and bags of splitters.


So all 8 array disks are mounted in 2 racks right above my psu. All 8 disks are connected to my 9300-8i card on my pcie x16 slot.

Also would moving both Parity drives off the lsi card and switch them to the onboard sata 3 controller be a good idea?


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  • 5 weeks later...

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