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How to Upgrade / Swap Hard Drive in Same Physical Slot of Non-Parity Array?

Go to solution Solved by Linguafoeda,

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Had a question on how to easily upgrade a drive to larger capacity for a system with no more bays / slots and one not running parity (don't have enough bays for parity, plus I have everything 1:1 backed up to cloud so just not running for now but may plan to in the future).


Say I have 5 slot machine with 4x8TB and 1x4TB, running without parity. I want to upgrade the 4TB drive in Slot #5 to a new 8TB drive, what steps do I need to do to copy over all the files on that existing 4TB and replace the same physical slot #5 with the new 8TB drive so that nothing share/docker/torrent seeding wise breaks?


This was my initial plan but let me know if I'm missing anything: 

1. connect the new 8TB drive via USB, format to XFS (i.e. make it compatible so it's plug and play with when it goes directly into array in step 4.), copy all the files from the 4TB disk currently in array using Krusader or rsync
2. Stop array, wipe / format the 4TB drive in Slot #5
3. run new config process to shrink array, make sure 4TB disk isn't in any old shares (note down which ones it is in)
4. Add new 8TB drive physically into same slot #5 that 4TB was in, add it to array, add 8TB drive back into relevant shares noted in step 4

5. start array


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On 3/27/2022 at 5:25 PM, itimpi said:

A much easier approach would be to start with the New Config to get the 8TB into the array and then format that.   Having done that you can connect the old 4TB disk using USB and copy its contents onto the 8TB drive you just added to the array.


Ah I see - thank you. So:


1. make sure array is stopped. eject old 4TB drive in slot #5

2. place new 8TB drive in slot #5

3. run new config process, shrink array / remove "slot #5" disk from all shares, then when new config process is done, add new 8TB drive into that same slot

4. start array?

5. use rclone / rsync / krusader to copy files to the 8TB drive in slot #5 using the old 4TB drive connected via USB?


How do you copy files from one disk to another without starting an array? Usually I just use krusader and copy everything from usb device -> /mnt/disk5/, but that would conflict with starting the array which would cause a ton of issues with all my dockers / torrents that are looking for files in an empty drive before copying?

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On 3/31/2022 at 6:42 PM, Linguafoeda said:


Ah I see - thank you. So:


1. make sure array is stopped. eject old 4TB drive in slot #5

2. place new 8TB drive in slot #5

3. run new config process, shrink array / remove "slot #5" disk from all shares, then when new config process is done, add new 8TB drive into that same slot

4. start array?

5. use rclone / rsync / krusader to copy files to the 8TB drive in slot #5 using the old 4TB drive connected via USB?


How do you copy files from one disk to another without starting an array? Usually I just use krusader and copy everything from usb device -> /mnt/disk5/, but that would conflict with starting the array which would cause a ton of issues with all my dockers / torrents that are looking for files in an empty drive before copying?



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On 4/1/2022 at 6:42 AM, Linguafoeda said:

but that would conflict with starting the array which would cause a ton of issues with all my dockers / torrents that are looking for files in an empty drive before copying?

During migrate, you should stop docker service.


In case of fully copy 4TB disk data to new 8TB disk


- Physical remove all 8TB disk's SATA plug ( So won't touch unrelated disk for safe ), record down all disk mapping info.

- disable docker / VM service, stop array auto start

- Power off

- Connect new 8TB disk

- Power on

- New config., assign new 8TB disk in disk 5 and assign 4TB disk in disk 6., start array then copy all data from disk 6 to disk 5 ( no USB bridge need )



- Confirm copy finish and normal



- New config, assign back all old 8TB disks as before and new 8TB disk in disk 5

- That's all


Edited by Vr2Io
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  • 1 month later...
  • Solution

so for reference, did this with another server. here's the instructions I referenced: current system has 3x14TB drives and 2x8TB drives and no parity. Want to replace both the 8TB drives with a 18TB drive. what steps do i need to follow to move all the files off the two 8TB's to put them on my newly bought 18TB drive and make sure all my docker/everything works fine when i startup array again (I want the 18TB disk to be labeled "disk #4 vs. my 8TB are disk #4 and disk #5 today):


1. insert new 18TB drive into physical slot #6, stop array, assign 18TB drive as disk #6 into array
2. start array, format 18TB disk in array as XFS
3. open unbalance, PLAN then COPY all files from Disk #4 (8TB) and Disk #5 (8TB)
4. stop docker service in settings, stock VM service in settings, stop mover service
5. Stop array, remove disk #4 & Disk #5 from array, physically remove Slot #4 and Slot #5 drives (both 8TB drives), move new 18TB disk from slot #6 to Slot #4
6. Run new config process ("select all"; note this resets any custom settings like temperature for all disks!), then go back to Main and add 18TB drive as Disk #4
7. Change share settings that previously included Disk #4 & Disk #5 of the old 8TB drives to include Disk #4 (new 18TB drive is now Disk #4)
8. Restart docker / VM / Mover services

Edited by Linguafoeda
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