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Transferring / disks

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I'm looking at setting up an unraid box. I currently have a 12TB HDD with all my stuff on it, and a few much smaller disks to use in unraid.


What's the best method here - can I add the 12TB disk in from the start but ring fence it until I have transferred everything over to the array? Or another method?


Also, any problems with this set up after the 12TB disk has gone in, given that it will likely be greater than the sum of the other disks?

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Hi Banterer,


I did the same as you.


I had a Synology with a single drive in it full of good stuff.

I bought a second hand server from a friend and then new hard drives and installed Unraid.
once it was installed and working, i connected to the synology remotely and used an app on unraid called Krusader to transfer data.


I was surprised at the transfer speed to be honest, i transferred about a 1.5TB each night after work for a few nights, i could have moved more to be honest but wasnt in a rush as i was playing with Unraid and learning how it works, and installing plugins and apps ready.

i didn't send data all over in one go as i wanted to keep an eye on it for any errors.... the synology had reported bad sectors on the old drive, so i expected it to drop out at some point.

i watched TV while i kept glancing over at the monitor.
i dragged and dropped choosing to move rather than copy, it wasn't long before the old drive was empty.

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