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[Support] Invoice Ninja v5

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@martinpeter this sounds more like a InvoiceNinja issue, rather than actual docker image that I'm supporting in this thread.

I can't test it right now because my InvoiceNinja server is down, but it might be that v5 doesn't yet have all translations finished, judging by this thread here, but you could download a translatiom from Transfinex and use that, but I never tried it, to be honest: https://explore.transifex.com/invoice-ninja/invoice-ninja/


Since this is unrelated to this Docker image and most probably also not relevant to the people in this thread, feel free to send me a Private message in case you need more help going forward just to avoid spamming the other poeple around. Cheers!

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  • 4 months later...

@tfast500 I did not setup e-mail myself, but I know some people managed to do it successfully. Can you check this post if you have all the STMP variables defined? especially `MAIL_MAILER=smtp` one. If you find what works, please let me know so I can update the docs/config. Of course, feel free to create a PR if you have time.

Edited by Mihai
added link
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  • 5 months later...

@Mihai I'm having the same issue as @tfast500 I had search everywhere looking for a solution to get the email part to work and I cant find something that could help.  I deleted everything and did fresh installs 3 times. There was a problem before with .env file permission which I resolved.  That was a pain. Did the heal check and everything passed green checks. I tried sending a quote out to test and the logs shows some scripts likes it wants to send an email out, unfortunately I don't see anything saying successful or complete in there. I'm using Gmail for stmp and I generate a password for it. I check all ports and address, they are all correct. I'm out of ideas at this point on what is holding that back. One thing I noticed is it shows something about pid with different numbers.  Not sure what's that for. Any thoughts or ideas that could help will appreciate it. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hello @Mihai,  After I updated Unraid to version 6.12.3 I realized the invoiceninja is not starting.  I get an "execution error" "server error" whenever I try to start the container. If I try to pull the container again, I get the following error:


docker: Error response from daemon: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint invoiceninja-v5 (e23929c8306f014445db778e1d5f00d6064fad93a957c18c6d6b0f2bf4e86424): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 bind: address already in use.


Please help


Screenshot 2023-08-14 at 9.26.44 AM.png

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

Hello new to Invoice Ninja. Currently using Wave but is planning to switch if this works out.


I have installed Maria-DB and Invoice Ninja v5. Created DB etc. Revers Proxy works through Cloudflare Tunnel.

When I go through the set-up, I keep getting this error. Everything goes through with Success, but when I get to the last submit button, this pops up. Tested both with Reverse Proxy and Local LAN URL, same results.


Any help is appreciated.

Screen Shot 2024-01-13 at 11.31.37 AM.png

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looking for some insight on this container. I have an existing instance in a plain docker environment and considering moving it to unRAID docker environment. Invoice Ninja will be a huge consideration. I have installed using this build and tested importing a db backup from my current instance with no problem. Where I start to see issues that folder pathing in this build does not seem to follow the stock pathing. There is Storage and there is "Logo". Is "logo" supposed to be the same as Public in the normal container? I am having trouble matching up the folder paths so I can move over existing files that are uploaded into my standard docker instance. 


Also having initial issues with sending test email invoices from this unRAID instance. I copied my current production env settings exactly and I got all kinds of odd errors related to auth type on this unRAID instance where it seems to be trying auth types not even specified...but one problem at a time.


I mean no disrespect in asking if this is a fully functioning build or is there some other I should try?


Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Having a quirk with InvoiceNinja and the Dev is stating he can't reproduce. I am latest available docker image...even updated just now as I saw an update available as of yesterday. Seems like an application issue but thought I would ask her as well:


When entering an expense, the expense category drop down list will only show one of my 8 categories. If I go into the expense settings, all of the categories are still there. It's odd, it shows a single one from the middle of my list of categories, not the first or last, not alphabetical... If I switch from the default React GUI to Flutter GUI...the issue is not present in Flutter but I have other issues using that interface. I've cleared cache, restarted the container, not sure what else to try as this a single specific thing.



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It does sound like a UI bug, I doubt it has anything with the actual Unraid container if everything else works fine, but there might be slight differences in Nginx configuration.


Did you check the developer console in the browser to see if you have any errors?

Specifically Network, Console tabs, do you get any errors?

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On 3/23/2024 at 7:18 PM, Mihai said:

It does sound like a UI bug, I doubt it has anything with the actual Unraid container if everything else works fine, but there might be slight differences in Nginx configuration.


Did you check the developer console in the browser to see if you have any errors?

Specifically Network, Console tabs, do you get any errors?


The Dev asked me to look at the console also. He asked me to look for something I could not find in either instance (probably me not looking in the right spot...not a developer). I did find these other errors however in the browser console (below). I Tried using Edge today for giggles thinking Chrome was being weird but the issue still persisted. I also discovered I could just start typing the name of the other categories and the matching one would come up and is selectable. That's at least a little easier than switching to the Flutter UI for now. 






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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Edit: Fix for this so maybe I can find it next time instead of spending hours looking when I forget...In the flutter GUI I cleared the cache. I swear I had cleared cache the other day but when I did it today I was able to switch back to the react GUI and all is well.


Has anyone had issues using the react interface the last couple updates on this container build? I have a test/mirror of my instance using windows docker desktop that I test updates and other things on and it has no issues. The last time i updated my this container (my prod) the react interface got white screen of death. I can set it back to flutter with DB command I found in the invoice ninja forums and flutter works fine. Last go around, I was flipping it back and fourth and all the sudden react worked again and I was good for the last month. Updated tonight and getting white screen of death again unless i use flutter. I've tried flipping the DB setting like before but no luck. Cleared my browser cache, tried other browsers, etc... and this time can't get react version to come back up. The chrome browser console throws a bunch of errors that it needs java but I can literally run my test instance from docker desktop in another tab with no problems. Need to call it a night but wanted see if anyone else is running into this.

Edited by TekWarren
fixed my issue
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I have a different question...even though this thread is pretty inactive. I did run into a brief few minutes of unraid freaking out about the docker image size while I was updating some images. I only have 6 containers running but invoice ninja is the largest at over 4GB and I'm not sure if that's normal? I definitely have my Public storage mapped off to the array and that has been working for months. I do not have the "app storage" mapped off that is still on appdata (cache) but when I look through the directories there is almost nothing there.


TLDR; what size is your invoice ninja docker? I've dug through all the directories related to IN under the appdata folder and I can't come up with what is taking up "that much" space. 

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Hey @Mihai - I got your latest update for the image, and for the past 2-3 updates, I keep getting this error in the console and the page is being rendered as completely blank. The mobile / desktop apps work, and I have only 200 OK in the logs. 

index-368ab702.js:1 Failed to load module script: Expected a JavaScript module script but the server responded with a MIME type of "text/html". Strict MIME type checking is enforced for module scripts per HTML spec.

I got in touch with the InvoiceNinja team, and they mentioned that they have changed the Docker template. This is the message from their Slack channel.


We did rebuild the docker templates, I think the dockerfile you are using is not taking this into account in regards to the paths that are used.

Thanks for your help! 

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Posted (edited)

@Raul Perte see my posts right above yours. I believe I have been having the same issue but able to sort it out each update so far. It has been a combination of changing the database setting directly (from within MySQL cli) to flutter GUI and then clearing the cache via the health check settings. After that I was able to enable react GUI again and seems to be fine. 

Edited by TekWarren
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Posted (edited)
On 5/9/2024 at 10:47 PM, TekWarren said:

I have a different question...even though this thread is pretty inactive. I did run into a brief few minutes of unraid freaking out about the docker image size while I was updating some images. I only have 6 containers running but invoice ninja is the largest at over 4GB and I'm not sure if that's normal? I definitely have my Public storage mapped off to the array and that has been working for months. I do not have the "app storage" mapped off that is still on appdata (cache) but when I look through the directories there is almost nothing there.


TLDR; what size is your invoice ninja docker? I've dug through all the directories related to IN under the appdata folder and I can't come up with what is taking up "that much" space. 

I would also like to figure out why this image is so large.  I have a lot of containers and this one is nearly twice as big as my largest container.  WTF LOL

here is the top of my image list showing just how much bigger an invoice container is than all the rest of my largest containers.


4410MB - maihai/invoiceninja_v5
2850MB - holaflenain/stable-diffusion
2460MB - ghcr.io/imagegenius/immich


Edited by danktankk
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I was kinda thinking about this. Invoice ninja does have a lot of moving parts. I started using it via original docker containers and it pulls as stack of 3 servers: app, web server/nginx, and database. Also the dev is still between two different UI’s (react and flutter) which probably adds to the size. I have my “storage” go to cache->array. I am uploading receipts to every expense but it offloads to the array. I’m betting the app is just a decent size and then combine that with two UI’s… I’ve seen mentioned that react is the default going forward but flutter will still be used for the mobile and desktop app. Maybe at some point the flutter UI will removed. 

  • Like 1
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5 hours ago, TekWarren said:


I was kinda thinking about this. Invoice ninja does have a lot of moving parts. I started using it via original docker containers and it pulls as stack of 3 servers: app, web server/nginx, and database. Also the dev is still between two different UI’s (react and flutter) which probably adds to the size. I have my “storage” go to cache->array. I am uploading receipts to every expense but it offloads to the array. I’m betting the app is just a decent size and then combine that with two UI’s… I’ve seen mentioned that react is the default going forward but flutter will still be used for the mobile and desktop app. Maybe at some point the flutter UI will removed. 

I suppose you are right, but it just seems really odd that this container is just so much larger than literally anything else that I am running.  Obviously its not the end of the world or anything and if the dev does decide to remove the Flutter UI, it will probably help.  I just noticed it mainly because I am getting warning that my docker img is getting full.  Its 50GB and almost full lol.

Thanks for the explanation.  I am betting that is the case.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello. After installing InvoiceNinja, the docker does not start. So i changed the UnraidIP:port manually o my unraid IP for the DB and App_URL and then it starts. However, webui doesnt work. LOG has this sql error connection refused. 


How do i solve this? Thank you!




text  error  warn  system  array  login  

2024-06-27T16:53:25Z [INFO] [Entrypoint]: Initialising Invoice Ninja...

   INFO  Configuration cached successfully.  

   INFO  Caching framework bootstrap, configuration, and metadata.  

  config ........................................................ 46.07ms DONE
  events ......................................................... 1.96ms DONE
  routes ........................................................ 98.90ms DONE
  views .............................................................. 1s DONE

   INFO  Discovering packages.  

  imdhemy/laravel-purchases ............................................. DONE
  intervention/image .................................................... DONE
  invoiceninja/inspector ................................................ DONE
  laravel/slack-notification-channel .................................... DONE
  laravel/socialite ..................................................... DONE
  laravel/tinker ........................................................ DONE
  laravel/ui ............................................................ DONE
  livewire/livewire ..................................................... DONE
  nesbot/carbon ......................................................... DONE
  nunomaduro/termwind ................................................... DONE
  nwidart/laravel-modules ............................................... DONE
  sentry/sentry-laravel ................................................. DONE
  socialiteproviders/manager ............................................ DONE
  turbo124/beacon ....................................................... DONE

In Connection.php line 813:
  SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused (Connection: mysql, SQL: select t  
  able_name as `name`, (data_length + index_length) as `size`, table_comment   
  as `comment`, engine as `engine`, table_collation as `collation` from infor  
  mation_schema.tables where table_schema = 'ninja' and table_type in ('BASE   
  TABLE', 'SYSTEM VERSIONED') order by table_name)                             

In Connector.php line 65:
  SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused  

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On 6/27/2024 at 11:57 PM, flyguy729 said:

Hello. After installing InvoiceNinja, the docker does not start. So i changed the UnraidIP:port manually o my unraid IP for the DB and App_URL and then it starts. However, webui doesnt work. LOG has this sql error connection refused. 


How do i solve this? Thank you!




text  error  warn  system  array  login  

2024-06-27T16:53:25Z [INFO] [Entrypoint]: Initialising Invoice Ninja...

   INFO  Configuration cached successfully.  

   INFO  Caching framework bootstrap, configuration, and metadata.  

  config ........................................................ 46.07ms DONE
  events ......................................................... 1.96ms DONE
  routes ........................................................ 98.90ms DONE
  views .............................................................. 1s DONE

   INFO  Discovering packages.  

  imdhemy/laravel-purchases ............................................. DONE
  intervention/image .................................................... DONE
  invoiceninja/inspector ................................................ DONE
  laravel/slack-notification-channel .................................... DONE
  laravel/socialite ..................................................... DONE
  laravel/tinker ........................................................ DONE
  laravel/ui ............................................................ DONE
  livewire/livewire ..................................................... DONE
  nesbot/carbon ......................................................... DONE
  nunomaduro/termwind ................................................... DONE
  nwidart/laravel-modules ............................................... DONE
  sentry/sentry-laravel ................................................. DONE
  socialiteproviders/manager ............................................ DONE
  turbo124/beacon ....................................................... DONE

In Connection.php line 813:
  SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused (Connection: mysql, SQL: select t  
  able_name as `name`, (data_length + index_length) as `size`, table_comment   
  as `comment`, engine as `engine`, table_collation as `collation` from infor  
  mation_schema.tables where table_schema = 'ninja' and table_type in ('BASE   
  TABLE', 'SYSTEM VERSIONED') order by table_name)                             

In Connector.php line 65:
  SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused  

Any idea on this problem anyone? Couldnt start invoiceninja at all


:(((( thanks in advance


I've enable this as well but still connection refused

Host access to custom networks:

Edited by flyguy729
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  • 1 month later...

Hello, get the same error. 


In Connection.php line 813:
  SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Host is unreachable (Connection: mysql, SQL: select   
  table_name as `name`, (data_length + index_length) as `size`, table_comment  
   as `comment`, engine as `engine`, table_collation as `collation` from info  
  rmation_schema.tables where table_schema = 'ninjav5' and table_type in ('BA  
  SE TABLE', 'SYSTEM VERSIONED') order by table_name)                          

In Connector.php line 65:
  SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Host is unreachable  

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