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Repeated Unraid Lockups. Cannot finish Parity-Check

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I'm unclear what precipitates the events.  At first I thought it was Duplicati since the original crash was when I was performing a Duplicati backup.  However, this doesn't seem to be the case as I disabled Duplicati, and I'm still getting crashes. No symptoms, it just locks up.  Webgui fails. Putty fails. Direct attach keyboad/monitor fails. Lights are still on it it appears there is disk access.


Attaching most recent Syslog and Diagnostics.  Each time it fails (around 5 this week so far) after the initial, the parity check is running since the last crash. When I cancel the parity check, it did not seem to crash.


Any help is greatly appreciated.

syslog- orcrist-diagnostics-20220613-1716.zip

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am having the same problem did you ever find a fix?  I am new to unraid and just set the server up.  It seems that the whole system locks up when ever the parity sync finishes or is close to finishing (high 90's%).  I have tried disabling all running operations except parity sync and it still happens. 

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