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Are my disks too hot?

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I have an array of 5 disks and I am not sure if maybe my drive temperatures are getting too hot.

These are my drives:

Parity - WDC_WD120EFAX-xxxx (sdf) - active 52 C (disk is hot) [NOK]
Disk 1 - WDC_WD120EFAX-xxxx (sde) - active 51 C [OK]
Disk 2 - WDC_WD120EMFZ-xxxx - active 52 C (disk is hot) [NOK]
Cache - WDC_WDS500G1R0A-xxxx (sdb) - active 46 C [OK]
Cache 2 - WDC_WDS500G1R0A-xxxx (sdc) - active 44 C [OK]

The WDC_WD120EFAX is designed to operate between 0 and 65 degree celsius.


What do you think,

May I increase the warning threshold and still be safe?

Is it ok to run at an average of about 50 to 55 degrees on the long term?


Thanks for your advice :)

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I adjust the warning/error temps only for nvme drives which are known to operate between 40 and 90° C.

Standard drives need to be much cooler, although 55° is debatable.

Its up to you to believe the manufacturer about 65° or to think about how to lower the temp. Its not common that these drive are getting so hot over a longer period.

So look for methods to improve the air flow, increase fan speeds or even use an air condition for the room.

Find out what makes them this hot and eliminate the baddie


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6 hours ago, UnKwicks said:

Is it ok to run at an average of about 50 to 55 degrees on the long term?

Should be ok if the temp swing is minimal. What you want to avoid is constantly cycling between 30 and 50. Many times people set their drives to spin down, and they cool down to room temp, then when they spin up they cycle all the way back up. If you can't reduce the top side of the temperature swing, make sure the low side is consistently close to the high side.


Much preferred to keep the cycling between 35 and 40 if you can manage it though.


The drive is rated to be OK up to 65, but it will kill it in a hurry if you cycle from 20 to 65 every few hours.

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