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Scripts no longer running? OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:367

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I have a couple of scripts that I have not run for about a year but they no longer run and each have the same error


OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:367: starting container process caused: exec: "/UNRAIDSHARE/bashfile/opus.bash": permission denied: >


I have tried changing the user but it makes no difference? has something changed in unraid?


Here is my script


docker exec -u root -i Blender-Desktop-G3 /UNRAIDSHARE/bashfile/opus.bash /UNRAIDSHARE/opustest

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4 minutes ago, mbc0 said:

Why does unraid create scripts there if you are unable to run them from boot?

As a persistent storage location that survives a reboot.  You can store them on /boot, but not set the execute bit.


5 minutes ago, mbc0 said:

cannot see a way to move/change the script location?

You can add an entry to the /boot/config/go file to move them to a suitable runtime location and set the execute bit.

Alternatively you can precede the script invocation with the bash command so it reads

  bash path-to-script

as in that case it is not necessary to have the execute bit set on the script file.

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