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Rebuild completed with errors.

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10 hours ago, AquaVixen said:

surprised you don't know this

The reason I asked is because I wanted to know what you did, not because I didn't know how to do it myself.


And apparently you did the wrong thing.


10 hours ago, AquaVixen said:


The reason I say this is so people who have some experience with traditional RAID systems won't make incorrect assumptions about how Unraid works, and how to work with Unraid.


10 hours ago, AquaVixen said:

Disconnect parity disk with system running (helps to have a hot swap drive cage for this, just pop the tray out)

Not much point in hotswapping array disks since Unraid won't do anything with the replacement until it is assigned, and you can't change disk assignments with the array started. And depending on hardware, attempting hotswap might cause additional problems.


10 hours ago, AquaVixen said:

All these replies and back and forth and no one has helped me

All of this thread has been about figuring out where you went wrong so we can see if we can help. The reason the initial replies didn't seem immediately helpful is because your initial post didn't make sense without further details.


Here is a possible explanation for missing files in your case:


You had hardware problems, bad disks, controller issues, etc. as we have seen. These problems caused a write failure on one disk. Unraid disabled the disk (kicked it out of the array) because that write failure made it out-of-sync with the array. That failed write was emulated by updating parity.


You didn't notice the array had degraded, and continued to write files to the (now disabled/emulated) disk. Those writes were emulated by updating parity.


12 hours ago, AquaVixen said:

missing as well as half the log files it had generated over the past 5 days

Possibly this continued for days with many files written to the emulated disk. The actual physical disk would not have received any of those writes because Unraid had already kicked it out of the array.


The emulated writes could have been recovered if the disk had been rebuilt, but you rebuilt parity instead, so all those emulated writes were lost and parity was rebuilt based on the actual contents of the disks, which would have been what that disabled disk already had on it when it was kicked out of the array.


As mentioned, your disks have a significant amount of data, so probably the only thing missing is those emulated writes.


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1 hour ago, trurl said:

The drive still has all the data it had before it was kicked out.

It would only get kicked out if a write to it failed so in theory something is missing although it could be something very minor.

Unlike traditional RAID systems each array drive under Unraid is a self-contained filing system so if the drive has not physically failed then normally most data can be recovered even when a rebuild is not possible.

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