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Pointer auto-clicking after a few seconds when on Community Applications page?

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Has Community Applications started automatically opening pages or might I have another problem?


  • Log into Unraid server from either Firefox or MS Edge
  • Go to the Community Applications page where you can browse for plugins or docker apps
  • Leave mouse pointer over Docker App Thumbnail or the Info pill


After 3 or 4 seconds, it is automatically clicking on the thumbnail or Info pill and opening the Docker App Info window.

Is this happening to anyone else?  This is the first time I have ever noticed it happening in the 7 years I have had unraid.


Kinda freaks me out if my computer starts opening things while I am trying to browse or read something.  I tested with two different browsers and a hard wired keyboard since I thought my batteries might be dying at first.


Server version: 6.9.2 2021-04-07



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