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Cant add a drive

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I pulled out an old SSD/Plex drive and now I want to add a 2 TB spinning drive. I told it to be a xfs drive and started array. It said to staret array and it would format drive. But it never shows up any were to add to a slot. What am I missing?

And when I try to download the diagnostics, it says this;

"Downloading... /boot/logs/tower-diagnostics-20220710-1937.zip

But it never finishes.

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10 minutes ago, johnzimm said:

pulled out an old SSD/Plex drive

Was this drive in the array? Or in a pool? Or what?


Did it have data on it? Did you do this with the server powered up?


10 minutes ago, johnzimm said:

want to add a 2 TB spinning drive

Is this drive meant to replace the drive you pulled? Or are you adding it to a new slot in the array? Or what?



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The original SSD drive 7 was in the array,  I pulled it out thinking I could just add the 2TB drive back and it would just repopulate it. I don't need anything on it. I would like to add this 2TB drive that I formatted with gparted and then put in the array. I don't care if it repopulates it with the Plex stuff, (I can just delete everything on it later), or if it just adds as a new drive, (which is what I want).

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It is very important to make a distinction between ADDING a drive, and REPLACING a drive.

29 minutes ago, johnzimm said:

add this 2TB drive that I formatted with gparted and then put in the array

You must let Unraid format any drive after adding it to the array. No point in formatting a drive outside the array and then using that drive as a replacement or as an added array disk.


Adding a drive means leaving all other assigned drives just as they are, and assigning another drive to a NEW slot in the array. When you add a drive to an array that already has valid parity, Unraid must clear the drive so parity remains valid. So, no point in formatting that drive before adding it, since it has to be cleared anyway.


Replacing a drive means assigning a disk to the same slot in place of another drive. When you replace a drive, Unraid will rebuild the replaced drives contents onto the replacement. So no point in formatting a replacement drive, since it is going to be completely overwritten by the contents of the replaced drive.


Are you adding a drive to a new slot, or replacing a drive?



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Is there a way to delete a drive from the parity?
I pulled a drive... formatted it... now when I put it back in I am told "Stopped. Replacement disk is too small.". Its the same 1TB SSD. I don't want this disk or its contents anymore. It was part of the array, but it was not grouped with other disks.

And I can't even download the diagnostics zip.

I am stuck.

Edited by johnzimm
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Thank you, That is exactly what I needed. It worked perfectly.

And, just a tip for noobs like me... take a screen shot of all the disk placements/assignments because when you go back to the main tab... there will be no disks assigned.

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31 minutes ago, johnzimm said:

And, just a tip for noobs like me... take a screen shot of all the disk placements/assignments because when you go back to the main tab... there will be no disks assigned.

New Config gives you the option to retain disk assignments


from that link:


Perform the Reset the array configuration procedure. When doing this it is a good idea to use the option to preserve all current assignments to avoid you having to re-enter them (and possibly make a mistake doing so).


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